Thursday, July 28, 2011

So, I am finally sitting down to update this blog!  Don't worry, lack of any updates recently has not been because I no longer want to blog or anything...rather, I haven't had a single moment to do so.  Well, I am lying, I actually have had a moment or two here and there, but generally I choose to sleep or do something that really needs to be done.  I thought having one kid was exhausting, but I was wrong.

So, Ayla Rose Henriques was born on July 3rd at 3:17 PM.  She was 8lbs 13oz and 20 and 1/2" long.  There, all of the stuff that people usually want to know in a nutshell, hahah.  At any rate, after my traumatic labor and delivery with Nathan, I never thought I could accomplish what I did with my daughter.  I labored at home until I was about 8 cm dilated (not that I actually knew that, but that is what they said when I finally went into the hospital).  I was in labor from early that Saturday morning until 3:17 pm Sunday, but most of it was not really that bad.  I used yoga breathing to relax and get through the pain.  I did not have any pain meds, and I was able to choose to labor in the way that I saw fit (thank you Mat-Su hospital and my doctor!!!) which was non-negotiable in my mind anyway.  When things were still moving along a bit slowly, my doctor finally broke my water and within probably a half hour my beautiful little girl was born.  I want to point out that I did not give birth on my back, and if I have any more children, I will never give birth in that position again.  Ladies, especially those of you who have not had children yet.  Please, don't make my mistakes.  Make sure you are in charge of how things go, do things the way you feel most comfortable, and above all LISTEN to your body.  Don't let a doctor tell you otherwise.  I had a fourth degree tear with my son having been induced and giving birth on my back with nurses TELLING me when I should push and when I shouldn't.  I had absolutely NO tearing giving birth NATURALLY to my daughter on my hands and knees and doing things the way I saw fit.  Believe me, it makes all the difference in the world.  And to think, I almost went with the care of a doctor who suggested a C-section at my very first prenatal visit.  Anyway, I guess you can tell I am pretty passionate about this.  It took me upwards of 3 very painful months to heal after giving birth to my son.  I was mowing the lawn 1 week after giving birth to my daughter!  And by the way, being induced hurts at least 10 times worse than natural labor.  It should be a last resort, in my opinion.

Anyway, my mom came up for the occasion.  She arrived just in time on Saturday evening of the day I went into labor.  I met her at the airport with a hello and oh by the way I'm in labor right now hahah.  I am so grateful for all of her help.  If you think one baby turns your world upside down, the second one really throws you for a loop!  Mom stayed for a couple weeks to help out and just recently left, which brings me to the present.  Unfortunately, Mike had to run off to Thailand for the next 2 weeks, so I am on my own with the two kiddos and feeling very overwhelmed and SUPER tired.  Mom was originally going to stay a little longer, but the cost of changing her airline tickets turned out to be outrageous so that didn't work out.  It's really amazing how much of a difference it makes to have Mike home in the evenings to help out with the kids.  I really realize that since he's not here right now.  Speaking of the kids, I hear Ayla right now, so it appears I shall have to cut this blog a bit short.  Until next time (whenever that may be)