Saturday, January 31, 2009

Well, it's finally the weekend and I am spitting out another blog like I promised. This week has been...more exciting than others I guess heheh.

Last weekend I bought a set with one of those infant swings, a stroller and a pack n' play for the baby when he comes. I finally put all that stuff together and it is all sitting in the living room so I think I need to move it upstairs cause it takes up all the space. Mom is thinking about a baby shower possibly for May.

I'm settled into my classes pretty well. I have a class on the geology of our national parks and I absolutely love it! Now every time I look at a picture of a rockface in Arizona or Utah I think stratigraphy... I know, I'm a nerd. I also have an environmental issues class that I am undecided about right now. It is sometimes interesting and sometimes extremely boring. Dr. Lawrence, who teaches it, is a really good professor and I had him for one of his other environmental geography classes which I really enjoyed. This one is more geared toward the philosophical/ethical side of environmental issues. It's ok, but I'm not a big fan of studying everybody's ethics. I had to teach lab for ROTC on Thursday. It went ok, but I am really not the public speaker type and I did most of the preparation and teaching even though I had someone who was supposed to help out.

Well, on Wednesday we had some pretty bad lake effect snow and driving home from school I ended up sliding into a ditch. Hahah that was fun. Thankfully I was not going fast and the ditch was filled with snow so there was no real impact of any sort. I had to go to a house and ask to see a phone book so I could call a tow truck to get the truck out. The first business I called the guy was all pissed off and told me he couldn't help me and hung up. I was like...wha..? hahah. Apparently he doesn't like business cause he should have been getting some pretty darn good business that day considering the road conditions. So I called someone else and they were really nice and came out right away. Cost a pretty penny but I couldn't very well sit in a ditch for the rest of the day so it had to be done. Next time I will not be nice and get over towards the edge for oncoming cars...pshhhttt. You would think that people living in an area with bad winter conditions would learn how to drive accordingly, but you would be wrong if you thought that cause I swear the people around here are some of the worst drivers I've ever seen. It pisses me off on an all too regular basis.

As if that weren't enough, I also got somewhat bogged down in the driveway the other night because in the process of trying to pack some of the snow down so mom could get her truck in my wheel went over the edge of the driveway. Since my tires suck, a small bump like that was enough to make them spin so I had to dig myself out to get back on track. SIGH. I know you all are thinking what the heck, you drive a Toyota If I had good snow tires it wouldn't have happened there. Bsllllllshdshhh!

Trying to decide what to do with myself this weekend. On that note, I think I will go for now.

P.S. Steelers are going to get crushed tomorrow...CRUSHED!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Well...I was playing around on facebook and I found Beth's blog posted on her account so I went to it and realized it was a blogger blog and I thought to myself: I think I have one of those. So I did a little searching and sure enough, there it was. Created back in 2003 because Sarah got me started on blogging...well sort of. I had just forgotten about it altogether and so it's really been a step back in time looking at the two blogs I wrote when I was in highschool. HAHAH so funny! I can't believe how much has changed since then! So now I am hoping to try and at least write one blog per week because I am realizing that 6 years from now I am going to look back at this again and be like wow...that is so crazy.

So this will be my blog. I guess it's really more for my benefit in the years to come than anything else, but I've also stated that it's for family and friends to keep up to date with my life...not that it is really all that exciting. So, enjoy!