Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today has been one of those days...you know, the kind that you feel like you will explode at any minute because Murphy's Law is in full effect and everybody seems to want to make your life miserable all at once.  Ok, maybe that's a bit exaggerated, but when you're pregnant and your hormones are all messed up, even something little can annoy the heck out of you.  Nathan got up this morning with a smile on his face.  I thought that meant it was going to be a good day.  Well, I was wrong.  First, he refused to eat his breakfast and screamed to high heaven for the majority of the morning.  Then, I went outside to spread some more soil on the garden as I am trying to fill it in and make it as much of a raised bed as I can.  While outside, Nikita barked continuously at me and attempted to get into the garden numerous times because what I was spreading was somewhat stinky with organic matter etc.  I am not entirely sure why we have a dog.  I can't help but realize over and over and over again what disgusting creatures they are.  They are literally drawn to the stinkiest, nastiest most repulsive things in this world so that they can either eat it or roll in it.  Maybe that's just my dog?  Anyway, it didn't help that my nerves were already frazzled due to Nathan's morning fit, and Nikita just made it worse with her barking.  As soon as I put the empty dirt bags in the trash bag we keep outside, she proceeded to drag them out and begin chewing on them.  In short, it seemed to me like she was doing everything in her power to piss me off...at least that is how it seemed, but of course she is not that smart.  So, later on at lunch time, I once again had the wonderful experience of dealing with a Nathan screaming fit.  This time it was over coleslaw.  Who doesn't like coleslaw?  That lasted longer than any normal person's patience would ordinarily hold out.  Fortunately, we parents know we are no longer ordinary in the patience department.  You can't survive that way.  Thank God we love our children more than life or this would not be possible.  Well, I don't want to write an entire blog of complaints, but I felt like venting a bit anyway.

Over the weekend, we went down to Anchorage to take care of some errands.  It was nice to get out of the house and out of Wasilla.  I haven't been going much of anywhere lately with gas prices the way they are.  We went to the case sale at the commissary, then we went to get Mike measured for the tux he is going to wear at James and Steph's wedding.  We stopped at Babies R' Us because I wanted to get these bibs I had seen a long time ago that have a little pocket for catching food.  They are pretty cool.  They are rubber, so all you have to do is wash them off after a meal, and the little pocket catches a bunch of food that usually either ends up in Nathan's lap or on the floor.  Then we went to the BMW shop to drool over motorcycles that we can't afford hahah.  Then we did our Costco shopping for the month, and poor little Nathan was very tired at this point.  He is down to one nap a day, but he usually takes it around 1 and we had been out since about 830.  He also woke up early that morning, so that combined with all of the running around and no nap made for a very tired little boy.  But, of course he fell asleep on a ten minute drive between stores in Anchorage, but when we actually started the 45 minute drive home where he could have had a nice chunk of a nap, he stayed awake until we were 10 minutes from home.  So, we managed to get quite a few things accomplished over the weekend, which always feels nice. 

I hope to upload all of the pictures from the camera tomorrow, so I should be posting some that I promised I would.  I've been putting it off because we have like 3 memory cards full and I have to sort and organize them and all of that jazz.  Nathan's birthday is this weekend, and I need a memory card empty so I can take pictures! :)  Well, it's dinner time and I'm famished!

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