Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We've been pretty busy lately, which is why I haven't been writing on here much.  We painted Nathan's room and it looks really good.  I'm so happy to have it done.  This weekend we are going to paint the guest room, but I have to be careful that I don't overdo it as my doctor is going to be away for a few days and I don't want to go into labor while he is gone :-/  Not that there wouldn't be another doctor available to cover down, but I picked my doctor for some pretty specific reasons so I really prefer it be him when the time comes.  Last weekend Mike ran a half-marathon.  He did a great job, he was in like the top %20 for time overall I think out of well over a thousand people.  I can't remember for sure, but that kind of thing comes pretty naturally to him.  He didn't even train for it beyond his regular PT for work so I'm very proud of him!  We also got our Costco shopping done for the month and had birthday portraits taken of Nathan.  They are pretty nice only Nathan was way overdue for a nap at the time so he is a bit zombie-like in some of them lol.  He smiled for some, but his smile is only a halfhearted attempt at his normal smile.  They still turned out nicely.  We finished some projects around the house, and after this weekend I will be able to cross the last big project off of my list of pre-baby things to get done. 

There is only a little over two weeks until I'm due, but I wonder if she is going to cooperate or not.  I scheduled a tour of the hospital birthing center so that I can get an idea of what to expect when I do go in.  The nurse at my doctor's office says they have birthing tubs that you can labor in and everything, so it sounds really nice!  They don't allow you to deliver in them, but I am ok with that I guess.  Mom is going to be getting here on the 2nd, so I hope the baby waits at least until after that.  Then the adventure begins.  I am still not sure how I am going to handle two little kids...especially since soon after mom leaves, Mike has to go to Thailand for work for like two and a half weeks.  It's going to be crazy trying to manage by myself for that time, but I'm no stranger to getting through seemingly impossible situations as my fellow military wives well know.  When he gets back he can take 10 days permissive TDY that they allow when a baby is born, and then soon after that we go on leave and travel to Pennsylvania for almost a month so I will just have to stick it out.

It's strange, when I started writing this I felt like I had a ton of things to say, but now I feel just about talked out.  Well, Nathan is taking a nap so I guess I can go try to accomplish something that would otherwise be impossible while he is awake.   

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