Wednesday, October 19, 2011

If you don't like:

craters in your yard
yellow or bare spots in your grass
poop in your yard
hair in your clothes
chew marks on your furniture
chewed up shoes or other miscellaneous articles
giant vet bills
slobber marks on your glass doors

you should probably not own a dog.  If you do like this stuff, I really don't understand you.  I wish I had known better, but we all make mistakes.  And just to set the record straight, you are allowed to not be a dog person or a cat person or whatever; and no, that does not make you a horrible human being.


  1. Ditto.

    How about new toys chewed to bits?

  2. Funny, I was just thinking about getting a dog for protection and companionship. Maybe I'll have to rethink the issue.

  3. Dogs can be a huge pain in the butt! But they can also be amazing! I think it might depend on the type of dog, and also training. It is definitely an extra cost and inconvenience though

    Don't kids kinda do a lot of the same things? ;) LoL!

  4. Nathan doesn't cause near the amount of destruction on a daily basis as Nikita does. But the difference there would be that he is worth the extra stress and heartache...he's a human being.
    The latest destruction Nikita has caused was tearing the lattice off of my deck and breaking down my garden fence to go dig in my garden. Was it a mistake to get a dog? Absolutely. Only wish I had known that before we got her. It's especially a mistake to get a malamute unless you have a specific and very hard job for them to do. Unless you do, forget being able to train them.
    Believe me, being stressed over running a household with two babies is more than enough without a dog messing with things. Especially when I'm going to be doing it all by myself for a long chunk of time pretty soon.
