Thursday, December 03, 2009

So I haven't been on here for a long time. So much for writing a blog every week like I intended. Now I have to sum up a whole half a year in one blog so I can get on track...well let me see...

Nathan Alexander Henriques arrived on May 22nd, 2009 at 4:40 pm. He was 9lbs 14oz and 22in long. I was induced at 7:00 am and the whole thing pretty much sucked until I saw him. I am not sure how to describe how it felt to hear him stop crying at the sound of my voice. He is so precious and his parents adore him ;)

Finally moved down to Kentucky in early June about a week after he was born...that was tough. Mike didn't end up getting sent to West Point after all, and my gratitude goes out to his commanders for their understanding of our situation. Summer was a whir of taking care of Nathan. It was wonderful really, lonely at times because I don't really know anyone down here and Mike is at work a lot, but still wonderful. We went to concerts on post, we spent the fourth of July with my mom who came down to visit. We went camping out at Land Between the Lakes with Nathan. My only took me a lot longer to heal from the birth than I think it takes most women, and it was very painful for a long time.

Fall came without me even knowing it. I realized how much I gauged my seasons off when I started school and when breaks occurred, and since there was no school to start it has all blurred into one big mass of not-feeling-like-it-should-be's. By this I mean I keep thinking to myself "it doesn't feel like it should already be (fill in the blank)!" For instance, it doesn't feel like it should already be December! We spent our 2 year Anniversary in Chattanooga at a cabin in the mountains. It was wonderful! We spent Halloween at home and I was very sad because I did not get to the pumpkin place on time so I didn't get to carve a pumpkin. We spent Thanksgiving together here in our home with lots of turkey and the whole deal. Nathan has been growing like a weed the whole time. He is now 6 months old and he fits 12 month old clothes. He's a giant. He has a personality and a temper to match his size, too.

Now I come to the present. We are getting ready to move, again. Mike got a branch transfer to MP and he will be attending the MP Captains Career Course at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. It is out in the middle of nowhere in the Ozarks. It will only be around 6 months though...probably. Bad thing about that, we will have to move AGAIN in 6 months. Good thing about that, we don't have to spend forever at Ft Lost in the Woods. So we leave Oak Grove, KY and Clarksville, TN and Fort Campbell and Nashville behind in the next week or so...and I can't say I am not a little sad. A lot of our life has happened here and to top that off I have the curse of being a very sentimental person...GARRR.

Ok, so I skipped a lot of stuff for the sake of making this as short as possible, but now I think I can start off anew and I will truly try to keep a weekly blog posted. I'm already angry at myself as it is for having slacked off and not kept record of all the things that have happened in the past 6 months. It would have been precious to me later, I'm sure.

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