Thursday, March 03, 2011

I finally got Quicken up to date!!  Wow, talk about being behind!  Being sick for so long and not doing anything with the giant pile of receipts on my desk made for some real headaches!  It took me the better part of a day but it's done now and I can start being vigilant again.  It feels good to have your finances in order, right along with having a clean house hahah.  Still have some tweaking to do on the budget, but that will have to wait for the weekend when the hubby can brainstorm with me.  I have the crock pot full of beefy chili on low, so dinner should be ready by 6:00.  I doubt Mike will be home by then, but I can just put it on the keep warm setting.  I love my crock pot!  I know I've probably said this before, but it's so wonderful to be able to just leave it on all day and not think about it.  The freak winds of the Mat-Su Valley are blowing again, so, though I put the trash can down at the bottom of the driveway, it has blown over twice now.  I am sitting here waiting for the noise of the garbage truck so I can run out there really quickly and right it.  There's simply no use trying to do it before then because it will just blow over again.  Gotta love 75mph gusts.  Ok, well not really, in fact it's probably my least favorite part of this particular location in Alaska.  I am beyond ready for spring!

I had the strangest of nights last night.  For some reason I kept waking up to an impossibly dry mouth and throat...almost as if my mouth had completely stopped producing saliva.  I know this sounds weird, and you're right, it was weird.  It was also almost intolerable!  One doesn't realize the importance of one's own saliva until one finds out what it's like to not have it.  Anyway, it was very strange and very irritating and I did not sleep well at all because of it.  I still don't feel completely right.  I wonder if this is some strange new side effect of pregnancy that I didn't experience with Nathan?  Hormones are capable of the most aggravating things sometimes!  

Nathan is starting to repeat a lot of words that we say.  It is very cute to hear his version of different words!  I know I should be taking more pictures and video, I have been falling behind on that and I know I will regret it.  His little sister kicks away quite often.  I hope she does not get as big as he did.  I hope the garbage truck comes soon because I keep seeing my trash can blow a little farther away every time a big wind gust comes...maybe they won't come today.  Maybe I should just say forget it and bring the can in.  We will be way overflowing next week if I have to do that.  For some reason I can't think of much to say today.   

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