Friday, February 25, 2011

It's snowing!  There's something about a snowy day, even when I am beginning to tire of winter, that just makes things magical.  A fluffy new coat of glistening crystal covering up all the grime and dirt of the old snow, it's wonderful!  I have been watching this tv series on netflix lately called Dexter.  It's about a serial killer who only kills people who are murderers themselves.  I was a bit skeptical when I watched the first episode.  I kind of though, what in the world, this is so macabre...and, well, it kind of is, but now I'm hopelessly addicted!  So, I got through season one and two, but now I have to get the discs for the rest of them because they only have the first two on instant play.  Anyway, in other news, I am proud of myself because I cleaned both bathrooms yesterday including mopping the floors.  I know that sounds silly, but usually I only get one done in a day because I so despise cleaning bathrooms, and I don't usually mop the floor.  I actually got a lot of the house cleaned yesterday.  All that is left is the kitchen and dining area.  The kitchen and dining room floor need to be swept and mopped and that is a job that I don't like.  How exciting, I'm telling you all about my cleaning exploits!  Hah.

This, however, is kind of exciting!  So yesterday, I'm eating my lunch and someone walks up to my front door.  So, I think to myself, who could that be?  I wasn't expecting anyone and I wasn't expecting a package or anything either.  So I see this face try to look through the glass on the door, which is quite impossible because it is that warped, ripply kind that allows for privacy.  Anyway, I'm like what the heck.  So I think about going to get the gun, but instead I decide against it.  They ring the doorbell and I open it a crack to see who is there and it's these two state cops.  So I'm like, uhoh, what could this be about hahah.  I'm pretty sure I haven't been that bad lately.  Anyway, they ask for the guy who we bought the house from, and I'm like, that's the previous owner of this house.  So they ask my name and I tell them (btw having the last name Henriques and looking about as Scandinavian/Northern European as they come is absolutely hilarious sometimes. I swear from their faces I'm sure they thought I was making up a last name).  The one cop is like "Henriques?" and I'm like, "yeah."  So they asked if I am a personal friend of the guy, and I say no, I just know we bought this house from him.  So then they said thanks and left me to ponder what kind of trouble this guy must be in.  Hmmmm...  And why, pray tell, were they looking for him at a house that we've owned for half a year already?  He better not be using this address for some shady, alias type criminal activity.  Well, that was my excitement for yesterday!

So, today I have nothing planned.  If only I had a little more energy, I could take Nathan outside to play in the snow!  Earlier this week I had a sonogram, and we found out we are having a girl this time.  I was pretty sure of that beforehand because I have been sick as a dog this pregnancy.  We girls must be a real drain on people's energy if this is what we do in our mothers' wombs!  We went to Red Robin for lunch that day..Yuuummmm.  I know, not so good for you but man do they make a tasty burger!  Speaking of, I am hungry!  Perhaps I should find something to eat.  Oh heck, I'm always hungry these days.  This seems to be the way I've been ending my blogs recently hahah.

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