Friday, April 29, 2011

My zucchini and beans are sprouting!  Hahah it's exciting!  I also planted the hostas in the front flower bed.  I think I will need to get some more because I want them to come in nice and full.  I used this fish fertilizer that stinks super bad but it should be good for them.  Man does it stink!  I think I will plant some more flowers today, we will see.  Mike got me a strawberry hanging basket for the back deck that I need to plant.  It's very hard to gauge when the last frost is going to be around here.  I thought we were done, but just the other night it was below freezing again.  It is supposed to be a nice day so I would like to be outside if I can.  There is also a lot of trash to pick up in the yard from a long winter of strong winds blowing everyone's garbage cans over.  I should take care of that, too, as it is driving me nuts. 

Well, Mike finally comes home today after a whole week away.  I will be so happy to have him back!  I can't remember how I survived 13 months apart from him, I don't want to remember.  I hope I never have to do it again, but that's probably not going to be the case.  There are a lot of things about being a military family that are impossible to imagine, but there are a lot of good things, too.  Strangely enough, I can't really imagine life any other way.  I don't think I will be unhappy when it's all over, though.

So, I was on craigslist the other day looking for a bookshelf because we have a rather cruddy one that needs replacing.  Anyway, I saw some adds for yard sales this weekend and I am thinking about doing some picking around.  Craigslist is the thing up here in Alaska, by the way.  Everyone loves it and uses it for EVERYTHING up here.  It's almost comical.  When we were first moving up here and looking for houses, we were told to check craigslist because, yes, people list their real estate on there too.  Anyway, I am on the hunt for some baby girl clothes and the one yard sale said fill a bag of baby clothes for $5 which sounds pretty good to me.  I have a lot of neutral-ish baby clothes from when Nathan was smaller, but I guess I may like to dress this little baby like a girl sometimes...not that I really go in for stereotypes or anything.  I hated pink when I was little, but now I like it.  It's really just a personality thing, not a gender thing.    

Mike said he would watch Nathan on Saturday so I could get away and have some time alone.  That sounds really good to me except that I want to spend some time with him after he's been gone all week.  I think I will probably take him up on it, though, because I do need a little time away from the little guy.  I love him with all my heart, but it takes a lot of patience to be a parent, and a little time away from everything once in a while is a good thing...especially with the new one due soon.  It will be back to having a baby with me virtually 24/7.  So, I am thinking about hiring a doula for my labor and delivery this time.  A doula is like a labor coach, kind of.  Anyway, I am having a lot of anxiety given my previous experience, and I think it may be a good thing to help me manage everything.  I have to talk to Mike about it, and I may ask my doctor for some recommendations.  The thought of a c-section really scares me, but a repeat of last time scares me too.  There are so many things I want to do differently this time, I only wish I had known the first time around.     

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