Friday, April 08, 2011

Wow, it's been a while since I've been on here.  Haven't been particularly busy, so I guess I don't really have an excuse.  Let me see here, what is new and exciting.  Well, we went down to Anchorage to watch the ceremonial start of the Iditarod Trail sled dog race.  That was pretty cool!  We thought Nathan would really be into it, too, but he seemed more interested in attempting to escape in various ways, generally by running off somewhere.  I intend to post some of the pictures I took, unfortunately they are few because I was silly and failed to ensure that the batteries were fully charged in my camera.  I also failed to ensure I had enough space on the memory card I had with me.  What a bad photographer I am!  Anyhow, I did manage to capture some pictures, so I promise I will get them up on here at some point. 

What else...  Well, we are still waiting for spring weather.  We have had some warmer weather recently, but it can't seem to stop getting cold and snowing in between.  It seems like every time we just get our sidewalk and driveway and deck cleared of snow and ice, we get a little more snow.  It usually doesn't last, but it is very annoying none-the-less.  We have been able to break out the grill and grill a couple of times already.  Granted, I am somewhat crazy about grilling and have been known to grill out in all sorts of different weather conditions that may be less than appealing to most people.  We finally invested in a new charcoal grill as our old one was about to disintegrate in front of me.  I had some sentimental qualms about it at first because the old one has been with us since before we were married, but I am coming to terms with our new one ;)  It's pretty darn nice, actually!  Oh, yes, I had my birthday recently too.  Not that this is very exciting news or anything, but my wonderful hubby has offered to buy me a sewing machine as a gift so I am currently researching for the best deals and brands.  I really have very little idea, but I do know that mom had a Singer, so I have been looking at them in particular.  Unfortunately, they tend to be expensive, so we shall see. 

Speaking of expenses, I've found myself very grateful we were wise enough to put a chunk of money aside for an emergency fund as the way our ridiculous Congress is pointing fingers and beating about the bush on the budget, it looks as though we will be without a paycheck for a bit in the near future. 

So our most recent adventure all started when Nathan was supposed to be taking a nap, but was instead figuring out how to climb out of his crib.  Long story short, after I hear a giant bang and screaming coming from his room, I run back and find him on the floor instead of in his crib.  So, we finally converted it to a toddler bed.  Well, ever since then he will not take naps and he gets up at different times during the night to pound on his door and scream.  SIGH.  I guess it's better we are going through this now than later when the new baby is here.  I'm sure she will do her fair share of keeping us up without Nathan's help.  I do hope it ends soon, it is very annoying!  We have also planned our next trip to Pennsylvania already.  I hope I can handle it as I will only be 2 months postpartum and last time I could still barely walk at that time.  Let's just hope this labor and delivery goes smoother and is nicer to my body this time around.  In fact, please pray for that because it weighs heavily on my mind.  I would like to have a nice little 7 or 8 pound baby instead of a giant this time!  I fear genetics is against me.    

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