Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Last week flew by and this week is already well on its way and I'm only writing this now. Hahah I guess I thought I would try to get them written on weekends, but oh well. Nothing worth mentioning really happened last week I don't think. I studied for a Spanish test that I was supposed to have on Friday. I was very ready for it on Friday and it turned out we didn't have it until yesterday...unfortunately yesterday turned out to be one of those days where you can't think. I mean hardcore-forget-an-entire-verb-tense can't think. I hate those days because if I had taken the test on Friday when I was well prepared and not had the weekend to sit around on it I would have done fine. Well, I got a D on my history test from the previous monday and this week has just been going downhill since.

Today I took my military science midterm and, even though it was open book, it was quite an unfair assessment of anything at all. We were told we could expect to see questions pertaining to what we had gone over so far on the syllabus. Now silly me, I guess having been told that I thought that's actually what would be on the test, but instead I found a question that pertained to a chapter in the book which we had not even briefly mentioned. Of course expecting to find an answer to this question in one of the chapters we actually HAD covered I proceeded to "waste" time looking through every inch of those chapters for the answers to this question....of course fruitlessly. That really made my day go from OK to...oh...I don't know...I want to kill the world or something like that. It's one thing if an exam is difficult and a totally different thing if an exam is just plain unfair. }:-( <--- angry face


I have one more test to get through this week on Thursday and then Friday evening I fly down to Kentucky to spend some much needed time with Mike. I'm ready for a change of pace and direction in my life. I'm ready to be done with school. I'm ready to just get out there and live and I'm ready, I'm so ready, to finally be with my husband for more than just a week or two at a time. And I guess I will admit that I despise the people that can eat dinner every night with their love, hug them.. not the people I guess, but the fact that I can't. I despise trying to explain to my professor why I won't be there one day because I haven't seen Mike for weeks and I just need to be with him on his short visit. I despise that I don't live around other military wives who understand this and that nobody else can possibly ever understand. I HATE IT.

Ok, I think I should go
My appologies, this has been a bad week so far :-\

Monday, February 16, 2009

This weekend was a wonderful weekend. Mike came up to visit me and spend Valentine's Day with me. He bought me a beautiful bouquet of white roses and we had dinner and went to see "Gran Torino" on Saturday evening. On Sunday we went down to the Grove City outlets and bought a bunch of baby clothes which was fun and exciting! We also put some stuff on our registry at Babies R' Us. Everything about this weekend was just wonderful and I'm so happy I could spend it with him. It's funny how such a short time with him reminds me so much of how empty my life is when he is not with me. Saying goodbye to him at the airport again was no easier than it ever is either, even though I will see him again in about 11 days. It doesn't matter, I miss him every minute anyway. He is my best friend.

Last week was not that exciting. I took my geology test on Tuesday and got my test results back from my geography test on Thursday. I did really well on it actually so I am pleased. Should get my geology test results tomorrow. Casey and I taught lab on Thursday and I guess it went ok. I felt a little aggitated because it seemed like we were going too fast and throwing out too much information and I felt as though I wasn't able to contribute as much as I would have liked to it. Maybe some of that has to do with hormones, I don't know. I skipped classes on Friday (I know, I'm bad) because Mike was coming that morning so I decided I didn't want to attend. Unfortunately I had to go to classes today because I had a test and a quiz and so we had to spend the day in Edinboro. I don't think I did very well on either the test or the quiz but I don't care because my weekend was so wonderful :)

Well, I really should go eat some dinner because I am hungry and that means the baby is hungry too. I think it will be leftover roast from yesterday's meal. Yummmm

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Another week down..

Nothing that exciting happened this week. I had my first test of the semester which I think I did alright on. I have another one coming up on Tuesday and then another next Monday so I guess I'm happy they aren't all clustered together like they usually are. I actually took some time to read a book just for pleasure for the first time in a long time! I really enjoyed it a lot. Usually I don't have time to do that kind of thing, and actually I probably should be doing other things with my time right now...but oh well.

I booked my plane tickets for spring break so that's good. Definitely looking forward to next weekend! I will get to spend Valentine's Day with Mike for the first time since 2006. Very excited about that and trying to come up with a good place to eat out so I can make reservations. The baby is starting to show a pattern of wakefulness now I guess. Usually it's after meals and in the evening around 7 or 8. He really kicks around a lot some evenings right as I'm going to bed. He better not make a habit of it though because when he gets a little bigger it may be harder for me to ignore and actually go to sleep hah. I can't help but like it though :) I called dad and Grandma and Grandpa the other night to let them know it's a boy and they seemed pretty excited. Of course they want to know when I can come down and visit them which I keep having to tell them won't be till this summer. That's true though, with school and everything it makes it hard to actually have time to do anything.

Yesterday I spent the day with Sarah looking into florist shops for her and Frank's wedding this July. I ordered the dress she wants us to wear and then I thought maybe I should have ordered it a size larger than my normal size cause I don't know what size I will be 2 months after the baby comes.. SIGH. It's a very pretty dress though. Well, I guess not much has really happened to me lately so that's about all I have to write.