Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So, my German paper is officially done, submitted, and approved! I waited till the last minute like always, but I managed to pass the competency exam and get my credits! I talked to my advisor, Dr. Czejdo, the other day and if it isn't already, everything should be set in motion for graduation by today. I have 3 more finals to get through, one today at 2 for environmental issues, one Thursday at 8 am for geology, and one on Friday at 8 am for history. Studying is pretty much out of the question I think...I can plan on it as much as I want and it's just not going to happen lol.

After my final today I have a doctors appointment for another sonogram! YAY! They need to make sure baby is in the right position for the big day and everything. He is getting really big and now when he moves it is extremely uncomfortable at times. I'm afraid he will be over 8 lbs and that means the clothes we bought for him are probably going to be too small :( Grrr. I'm so excited for this weekend! Mike is coming on Friday right after my last final, Saturday is graduation and then the baby shower! I just hope it doesn't rain on Saturday.

I have to turn in all of my Army TA-50 that was ROTC issued this week. I have been putting that off, but I think I will sort it all out tomorrow and take it in on Thursday. I don't have any finals tomorrow so I will probably do that and also get some cleaning done around the house. I'm trying to do some cleaning right now, but I am being super lazy and writing this instead. It's all really just to keep me busy with something else so I don't have to study hah. I don't expect this final to be too difficult anyway. We will see I guess. Ok, well back to cleaning and then a much needed shower!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wow, ok so I missed last weekend. I've been super busy with all kinds of stuff.

So my excuse for last weekend would be that I left a big battle analysis project on Operation Market Garden till the last minute and was working on it Sunday and Monday up until I had to turn it in and present it on Tuesday. I even skipped my Tuesday morning class, hah bad I know. I tend to do that...as in leave things to the very last (and when I say last, I mean like 10 minutes before class last) minute. Well, it turned out ok I think...or should I say I hope. Now I am putting off doing my German paper which I told myself would be due tomorrow even though there is no real due date. I hate it when professors leave me that freedom. I need them to give me a due date or I won't get it done. I really need to get this done and turned in though, it's a very important paper for some very important credit...basically the determinant to whether I graduate or not.

So today I got up and cleaned the mess in the kitchen up. It was full of dirty dishes cause mom and I were being lazy all week. Then I tidied some stuff up in my room and got some more baby research done. Lately I've been doing things to prepare for his arrival. I was researching diapers yesterday and today online. If you're wondering why I was researching diapers, here's the deal. I'm planning on cloth diapering and there are so many options out there these days that it takes a lot of research to figure out what to invest in. I don't think I can use disposibles on a regular basis and keep a clear conscience...they are pretty horrible for both baby and the environment. I know what you're thinking...what a tree hugger, right? Nope, cloth diapers are actually more economical than disposibles. They are non-toxic and don't cause as much diaper rash as the nasty chemicals in disposibles. And one of the best parts about it, they don't take 500 years to decompose :) Most are made from all-natural materials like cotton and hemp, and you can just wash them and use them over and over :) It's great isn't it? I mean, since when is the cheaper alternative actually the one that's better for everyone!! Yes, it takes a little more work but that's cool with me. So that's why I was researching diapers. I also filled out a pre-admission form for the hospital cause I don't want to have to be doing that crap when I'm in labor.

Now for the past 3 hours or so I've been putting together invitations for Sarah's bridal shower, which I finally finished! I have to get grocery shopping done, go give Sarah some of the invitations that she's going to hand deliver, and hopefully get started on my German paper. I'm feeling much more accomplished today than I was yesterday. I was not feeling well yesterday at all. It was a beautiful day outside but for some reason I just felt like crap. I should figure out something for dinner tonight as well. Any suggestions?

Just 2 more weeks to push through and I'm done with college!! That's pretty sweet if you ask me :)

Sunday, April 05, 2009

This week is going to be somewhat busy. Last week was ok I guess. Had another Spanish test on Friday and I am not at all looking forward to finding out how that went. Friday evening mom and I went down to Edinboro for the Celebration of Excellence Ceremony where I received my stole for Cum Laude. It's red :) I was, however, very angry because I was supposed to be recognized as a candidate for commission with some of my fellow cadets and I was completely overlooked. I was not invited by the colonel and I was not listed as a candidate for commission in the program. I am angry because I have spent four years dedicating real time and effort to the ROTC program, and I still actively participate in mentoring and counseling cadets to prepare them for LDAC this summer. I will finish my ROTC obligation AND graduate this spring. The Army refuses to commission me while I am pregnant so I have to wait till December, but please explain to me how this somehow makes me no longer a candidate for commission and no longer worthy of being acknowledged among my peers as a cadet who has completed the requirements and dedicated 4 years to the program! This is beyond unfair, it is intolerable! It may be hard for someone who hasn't been through what I have to understand where I am coming from or even to understand why it matters so much that my name be on that little program and that I be acknowledged. Probably all of the cadets who had to go to this dinner and be acknowledged didn't want to be there, so why should I care right? Well, I've surmounted a lot of odds and obstacles.. especially over the last year and a half, and I DESERVE TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED.

I spent my birthday with mom and Gammer and Gaffer. Gammer and Gaffer treated us to Olive Garden, one of my favorite restaurants, and I had my normal stuffed chicken marsala. It was delicious and really nice to spend that time with them. I missed Mike rather dreadfully, though. I guess I had this idea that when he was finally home from deployment I would get to actually spend special days together with him. Sometimes I wonder if that will ever be the case as long as one or both of us are in the Army. I hope America is grateful for us because sometimes it seems like a waste of time and a lot of unnecessary sorrow. Anyway, today I have been entirely unproductive and have spent most of my time either napping or playing on the computer. Yes, I do have work to do, I just don't have much motivation to do it. It's starting to get down to crunch time though and I almost wish someone would just light a fire under my ass. 27 days till graduation and some big projects to get done before then. I will be so happy for graduation and the cookout to finally be here. I will get to see my Michael again and family and friends!

I have at least two tests coming up this week: Environmental Issues test on Tuesday and Geology test on Thursday. I have a small presentation to do on Tuesday for military science, and I have a large battle analysis project that I believe is due next week for the same class...haven't even started it yet. I have to read a short story in German and write a 3 page summary of it in German and submit that to my German professor for my required 407 credits. I have to see my advisor soon to make sure everything is in order for graduation, and I believe I have to purchase my cap and gown (yuck!). I have to write 3 more film reviews for my environmental issues class, and I have to survive two more Spiller tests without completely failing. I am a little bit stressed right now, heheh. So why can't I just get these things out of the way? ARGH and yet here I sit writing this blog

Well I am famished so off I go to search for food