Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wow, ok so I missed last weekend. I've been super busy with all kinds of stuff.

So my excuse for last weekend would be that I left a big battle analysis project on Operation Market Garden till the last minute and was working on it Sunday and Monday up until I had to turn it in and present it on Tuesday. I even skipped my Tuesday morning class, hah bad I know. I tend to do in leave things to the very last (and when I say last, I mean like 10 minutes before class last) minute. Well, it turned out ok I think...or should I say I hope. Now I am putting off doing my German paper which I told myself would be due tomorrow even though there is no real due date. I hate it when professors leave me that freedom. I need them to give me a due date or I won't get it done. I really need to get this done and turned in though, it's a very important paper for some very important credit...basically the determinant to whether I graduate or not.

So today I got up and cleaned the mess in the kitchen up. It was full of dirty dishes cause mom and I were being lazy all week. Then I tidied some stuff up in my room and got some more baby research done. Lately I've been doing things to prepare for his arrival. I was researching diapers yesterday and today online. If you're wondering why I was researching diapers, here's the deal. I'm planning on cloth diapering and there are so many options out there these days that it takes a lot of research to figure out what to invest in. I don't think I can use disposibles on a regular basis and keep a clear conscience...they are pretty horrible for both baby and the environment. I know what you're thinking...what a tree hugger, right? Nope, cloth diapers are actually more economical than disposibles. They are non-toxic and don't cause as much diaper rash as the nasty chemicals in disposibles. And one of the best parts about it, they don't take 500 years to decompose :) Most are made from all-natural materials like cotton and hemp, and you can just wash them and use them over and over :) It's great isn't it? I mean, since when is the cheaper alternative actually the one that's better for everyone!! Yes, it takes a little more work but that's cool with me. So that's why I was researching diapers. I also filled out a pre-admission form for the hospital cause I don't want to have to be doing that crap when I'm in labor.

Now for the past 3 hours or so I've been putting together invitations for Sarah's bridal shower, which I finally finished! I have to get grocery shopping done, go give Sarah some of the invitations that she's going to hand deliver, and hopefully get started on my German paper. I'm feeling much more accomplished today than I was yesterday. I was not feeling well yesterday at all. It was a beautiful day outside but for some reason I just felt like crap. I should figure out something for dinner tonight as well. Any suggestions?

Just 2 more weeks to push through and I'm done with college!! That's pretty sweet if you ask me :)

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