Saturday, May 09, 2009

What a week! I got all my thank you's written and sent out by Tuesday. I was having a panic attack when I looked at my online transcript because the way I read it (which was wrong) made it look like I was short several credits for graduation purposes and I almost flipped out. But I was reading it wrong and turns out I'm just where I thought I would be. Wednesday was a tough day, dad called and informed me that Grandma Peterson passed away. I will miss her very much and I have been thinking a lot about Grandpa and the rest of the family. The funeral was this weekend and because I am due in 2 weeks I couldn't go down to North Carolina for it. That's been pretty hard for me cause I really want to be with the family right now and celebrate Grandma's life. But, little baby Nathan is important too, and I couldn't very well be going into labor en route or away from my doctors or hospital. It makes me really sad that I couldn't be at her funeral though.

Yesterday I went to the doctor's again (which I'm getting really sick of) and the baby is just not ready to come out yet I guess. No dropping or dilation going on and the doctor says he's headed to the 9 pound mark which makes me really nervous. I would prefer to be in one piece after labor and delivery, and 9 lbs is a really BIG baby. He'll probably wait till the 22nd, which I guess I should be happy about because I want Mike to be here...but at the same time I'm just ready for him to come out! Like right now!

Today was crazy. I hosted Sarah's bridal shower out at Presque Isle and today of all days of the week just happened to be one of the windiest days we've had for a long time. So it was tough to hang on to paper plates and eat food and such. On top of that, only half the people who rsvp'd a yes showed up, and only half the people who were invited rsvp'd a yes so I guess only about a quarter of the people invited showed. I was really kind of disappointed about that...I think it's kind of rude to say you are going to be somewhere and then not show up. We had a time opening the gifts with all the wind, but it worked out and I think mostly we had fun. Unfortunately one of Sarah's friends had a seizure towards the end so we had to call in an ambulance and we were all a bit upset after that. Thankfully she is doing alright though! I came home and was simply exhausted! I don't know if it was the wind or what, but I was just ready to drop when we got home so I took a nap. This evening Mike and I finally decided on a crib set, so we bought that and it should be on its way sometime early June. It's exciting to have that taken care of, but it is expensive too. It is a very nice crib though, and it converts to a full size bed for later on in life so it's like buying a crib and a bed all at once I guess. When you look at it that way it's a good deal. We will have to get a matress now, and a bedding set. Bedding sets can be very expensive too, but maybe I will see if I can find one on sale. I think I will go to Babies R Us tomorrow and check out some of the stuff that's on sale this weekend. I'm waiting for a certificate in the mail that's supposed to give us 10% off everything that's left on our registry and I haven't gotten it yet, but there are some things on sale this weekend that are more than 10% off so I will probably take advantage of that.

Nothing much planned for next week, just more waiting around to see what baby's going to do. I'm hoping something will be happening by next Friday which is when I have my next appointment. I'm kind of anxious though, and I'm afraid I will wimp out and take the epidural with him being so big. I really want to go natural, though. Well, I guess I will think about going to bed...

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