Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This past weekend was a four day weekend for Mike.  We didn't end up doing much but relax around the house on Friday, but on Saturday we went to an indoor water park in Anchorage.  I'm starting to really feel the length of the winters up here since we haven't seen much above freezing since mid October, so I thought it would be a nice break from the weather.  I believe this was the fourth or fifth largest indoor water park in the nation, one or two behind Splash Lagoon in good old Erie, PA believe it or not!  Yeah, that surprised us too, but I guess where you have a long winter season, you end up with large, indoor water parks!  We really enjoyed it, and Nathan had a lot of fun too.  Unfortunately, there were no pictures taken.  I have a phobia of taking cameras near water, especially our Nikon.  We do have a waterproof case for disposable cameras that we got on our honeymoon cruise so we could take pictures snorkeling, but I just didn't plan ahead enough to think to have it with us.  Maybe next time!  At any rate, this marked the first real outing I've had since becoming severely sick with this pregnancy way back in early November, so that was nice.  I think I'm finally starting to feel better!  Unfortunately, after a day like that, I normally still need a day to fully recover.  It's frustrating feeling this weak and without energy (especially since men don't usually understand)!  I don't remember this with Nathan.  I'm hoping I start to regain my energy soon because the house is in very bad need of my attention.  Mike has been a wonderful husband to me, though, and he has been cooking a lot and helping me out with things.  I am so thankful to have him!

We relaxed on Sunday, and yesterday we went down to Anchorage and did some shopping.  I finally bought some maternity clothes!  I did have some things last time, but I skimped a lot and just tried to find stuff that was larger than normal instead of spending the money on actual maternity clothes.  Well, not this time!  I am treating myself, and let me tell you, they are comfortable!  I am a little sad that I am already to the point where I am not comfortable in my regular clothes at only 15 weeks, but everyone tells me you start showing earlier the second time around anyway.  I'm just hoping this baby is not going to be as big as Nathan was :-/  We did our Costco shopping for the month, too, which is always nice to get done.  I love coming home and getting everything put away and then being able to look at our stocked fridge and shelves and know that I don't have to go out and buy meat for another month :)  I know, I'm probably weird, but I really dislike grocery shopping.  I don't know what we would do without Costco because meat up here is so expensive everywhere else, but relatively reasonable there.

Today, I am just trying to get some stuff done around the house.  I've started to clean our bedroom, which I will hopefully finish after lunch.  The kitchen needs some attention, and definitely the dining room.  I need to get our files and accounting stuff in order since I have fallen behind for the past 2 months being sick.  I am avoiding that with every form of procrastination I can think of, because there is a giant pile of receipts waiting on my desk and I am DREADING the whole thing!  2 months behind, that is a lot of accounting!!  Yuck, but it only gets worse as we go, so I guess I better do something about it soon.  I think I will put a pork roast on for tonight, so that will be pretty easy.  I am really looking forward to spring!  The sun is climbing a little higher in the sky every day, and that's such a big deal up here!  It's funny how some things you don't pay much attention too elsewhere can be such a huge thing in some locations.  It's starting to look like the normal sun, instead of a little, weak, red ball down near the southern horizon.  We are supposed to start getting some snow again this week.  We've had a giant high pressure system over us for several weeks, but it is finally moving away and we will be getting moisture coming in from the Gulf.  I am looking forward to snow because we barely have any on the ground.  I have this really strong urge to try skiing lately too, which is no good because I am not allowed to at this point :(  Maybe next year I guess.  

Well, I should probably figure out something for lunch because I am getting really hungry.  Nathan is taking a nap right now because he slept in this morning.  Usually he is up at lunch time.  I will try to find some good pictures to post next time, perhaps of Christmas.       

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