Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lately, Nathan has been a real devil.  It seems like ever since we've returned from our trip to PA, he has a horrible attitude and he hits and bites and all manner of nasty things.  Where is my good little boy?  Where did he pick up these nasty habits?  It is so frustrating sometimes, especially since I usually have no way of getting away for a little bit of me time.  I suppose this was bound to happen at some point, or at least everyone tells me about the "terrible twos," which I guess he is starting a little early.  I guess we just have to be vigilant in correcting him, even when it seems like it just bounces off his head because he is doing something bad again two minutes later.  I really don't want to be that family that has real brats for kids, you know.  The ones you always look at and think, "man, I would never let my kid get away with that!"  But now he's doing things that I vowed never to let my kid get away with, and I don't, but he still does them anyway!  On top of everything else, he has been waking up in the middle of the night and screaming bloody murder.  Normally, I try to let him go back to sleep on his own, but it just seems like something isn't quite right recently.  I think he is either sick or teething something aweful.  I hope that ends soon.

We are finally getting snow again!  We had some a couple days ago and again last night, so we all went out and played in the snow today.  Well, apparently the baby didn't like that so I lost my breakfast because of it.  Oh well, I had fun until that point.  Now we are thinking about going to see a movie this evening, but I'm not sure if we will or not since the roads are probably not too great.  Amazingly enough, they actually plowed our roads the last time it snowed!  I couldn't believe it.  They haven't yet this time, though, and I'm not holding my breath.  Mike started to shovel the driveway today, and our neighbor from down the street came up with his fourwheeler and plowed it for us.  I thought that was really nice!  He is a retired Coast Guard veteran.  I guess he told Mike we should invest in a "toy" up here hahah.  Everyone has them, either fourwheelers, snowmobiles or dirt bikes.  We don't need anything extra to sink our money into.  I'm sure they are quite a lot of fun, though.  Well, I suppose that's all I have for now     

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