Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I really dislike snobs.  People who think everything they do is right and look down on everything everybody else does with no regard as to people's different positions in life, etc.  I'm sure I am snobbish in ways sometimes, though I try my best not to be.  Ok, so that was random, but some of the things I see just irk me.  What tends to irk me even more is the general ignorance of "normal" people as to the hardships and special circumstances of military life.  So many people just don't get that what works for them or for anyone else in a normal situation is totally unreasonable for a military family.  They can't understand the dedication it takes just to live this way.  And here's the kicker, just because someone you know is in the military doesn't mean you know jack about military life.  I'm no expert, but I've experienced enough to know that it takes a special kind of person to do what our servicemembers and their families do.  Things that most people couldn't handle themselves, but still have no appreciation for.  Unfortunately, this is how it will continue to be because it's simply impossible to understand unless you've experienced it.  So, I guess I shall remain frustrated.  But if there is one thing that I can not stand to hear from someone who has never had to spend a year away from their spouse hoping every day that he or she is still alive, never had to pack up and move their entire life to a new place every couple of years, never had to dread when the next separation would take's "I understand what you're going through."  No, you don't.


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