Saturday, February 19, 2011

My last post was a bit of a rant, but don't worry, this one will try not to be.  We got some snow the other day, finally!  Believe it or not, it does not seem to snow here nearly so much as it does in Erie, Pennsylvania.  That is a bit disappointing to me because I was very excited about the prospect of living in the far north where I imagined there would be tons of snow and cold and wonderfulness.  Sadly, it seems to be more cold and windy than snowy.  Of course, that does not apply to all of Alaska.  There are many places up here that get far more snow than any place I have ever lived; I just don't live in them. 

Mike was supposed to have a four day weekend this weekend.  Unfortunately he had to pull staff duty today so that kind of put a damper on the whole idea.  I guess it is kind of a 3 day weekend since he had yesterday off and he will be off tomorrow and Monday.  But no, because it is separated by a day so it doesn't really count.  Well, I will make the best of it and take him some dinner tonight.  That way Nathan and I will get to see him at least a little bit today.  Dinner, ah yes, that is cooking in the crock pot right now.  My favorite kitchen gadget besides my bread machine.  I simply love to throw things in there and forget about them all day, then by dinner time it's Voila!  Hahah.  I intend to make a carrot cake soon.  I am not sure whether I will find the motivation to do it today, or if I will wait for another day.  Perhaps it would be a nice surprise dessert for Mike tonight.  I love sweets, I can't help it.  Yes, I know it is not terribly healthy, but in my own defense I do try to keep my sweets consumption to a minimum.  Everything in moderation, right! 

Well, there's not much new to tell.  I had a massage yesterday and some time to myself, thanks to Mike staying home and watching Nathan.  I very much needed that.  Don't get me wrong, I love my son, but everyone needs a little bit of time once in a while.  Yes, even us super moms.  And you moms out there who are reading this and saying "pshh, that is so horrible to say," spare me the crap cause even you need some time to yourself sometimes.  So, I had a massage and I took myself to lunch and did some me shopping.  It was very nice.  Thanks to being pregnant and having no energy, however, I was pooped after about only 4 hours out so I had to come home and lounge for a bit while my super husband made a delicious dinner.  I honestly have no idea how I would have finished school if this is how my pregnancy with Nathan had been.  Seriously, the months of sickness coupled with the crazy hormones and no energy thing is way worse this time.  There's no way I could have been going to classes like this!  I am so thankful I was able to finish college!  I can't begin to explain how important an education beyond highschool is, and I realize that now more than ever.  I just wish that most American youth of today would feel the same way.  But then, I suppose the college setting is not for everyone either.  I do think there is great value in self education, though.  Did you know that President Abraham Lincoln was primarily self-educated?  Can you believe that?  And yet today we basically insist our presidents have some sort of high-priced, ivy league education.  Values have changed over time.  I guess we can't trust people to self-educate themselves to an appropriate level anymore.

Wow, I think I just went from talking about carrot cake to talking about President Lincoln.  This is a very rambling blog, but then I guess most of mine are.  Time for lunch!

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