Sunday, March 29, 2009

I can hardly believe it's almost April! That, of course, means that my birthday is coming up soon. Wow 22, and I remember when it seemed like 22 year olds were so old hahah. Mom and I went back to Babies R' Us yesterday to put more stuff on the registry. There were lots of things I forgot the first time so we took care of most of that and I feel much better. The invitations are out and we already have some confirmed guests, which is really cool! I want this to be a fun celebration! April means that I have to finish up lots of work for school though, so the celebrating can't begin yet. Yuck, I will be so happy to graduate and get out of Edinboro!

So last week's Spiller test that I was so worried about actually went alright! I crammed on wikipedia for about an hour or so before the test and I got an 84 instead of a 63 this time! hahah I know that's not great, but all things considered (and those who have had Spiller know what I mean) it isn't that bad. Took a quiz in Spanish on Friday, and it was one of those times where immediately after taking the quiz you know exactly what you did wrong and you're just like D'OH! heheh, yeah. Well, there's only about a month left of school which is pretty darn cool and I am definitely looking forward to May 2nd.

Mom and I both seem to be ailing with some sort of lethargic stomach bug...well it causes lethargy at least. I don't know, yesterday both of our stomachs were hurting us and neither of us had much of an appetite. Today isn't much better for me, although I do feel like I am hungry. My head feels like crap though and my stomach is still not feeling so great. I'm hoping it goes away, and fast. I need to go to the grocery store and stock up a little on some food. I must force myself to pack a lunch all week this week as it costs too much to eat out and fast food is definitely not good for me or the baby. My problems would be solved if I could eat lunch meat, but since that's on the list of forbiddens it makes things hard when it comes to figuring out what the heck I should make my sandwiches out of. I don't like peanut butter and jelly either, so don't even suggest it. Usually I get a rotissery chicken and cut that up throughout the week to make chicken sandwiches. That turns out really good, but I get tired of the same thing day in and day out. Fruit is a must have for lunch packing! I looooove fruit!

Time to find some lunch I think

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another uneventful week. School is becoming a real drag and I'm ready to be done with it all. There has been more sunshine lately, though, which puts me in a bit of a better mood. The first day of spring I woke up to a little bit of snow on the ground...yuck.

Mom and I planned on going down to church this morning and then going and spending time with Gammer and Gaffer and Aaron. Unfortunately, her truck overheated around the Edinboro exit so we had to be rescued by Don and his buddy who brought mom's car up. We still made it down in her car after we took the truck to the local shop. It was nice to see Gammer and Gaffer, and Aaron again. Mom and I worked a lot yesterday on invitations for the baby shower in May. We finally set the date and got all the invitations made and now we just need to finish them up and send them out. Hopefully people can make it...we are afraid that the guys in the family will see the words "baby shower" and freak out and think it's a girl thing or something. I am going for the nontraditional, lets-all-get-together-and-have-a-cookout, BYOB type of baby shower. I hope they all understand that and don't get all icky cause they think for some reason that babies are a female affair. I hate that stupid victorian idea. Well anyway, we will see I guess.

Mike bought plane tickets to come up for my graduation and for baby time. Unfortunately he can't come up for my birthday which kind of really disappoints me, but it's too much money anyway. He would be a great birthday present. I really should be studying for this test I have tomorrow in Spiller's class. I don't know the material and I'm really not looking forward to it at all. Blah, school is such a drag! I also have a translation project I need to work on for the German class I am supposed to be testing out of for credit this semester. I know I would feel much better if I just sat down and got it over and done with. It's the actual sitting down and getting it over and done with part that I can't seem to bring myself to do hahah. Oh on the way up from Sharpsville mom and I saw a bald eagle out in a corn field tearing away at some unfortunate rabbit or something it had caught! It was fantastic! When I first saw it I thought it was a turkey, but then I looked closer and I saw the white head and undertail and I was like WOW a bald eagle!! Really a magnificent bird! So we stopped and watched it tearing away at flesh for a couple minutes and then we moved on. So cool.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I am in much need of a dentist appointment. I have been putting it off for years because I really do not like to go to the dentist, but my teeth are saying they need it. I'm afraid of what will be found heheh. This week was cloudy in lots of ways. I'm just bummed in general being back from Kentucky and missing my man more than ever. Sometimes I feel like I miss him more than he misses me but I can't prove that I guess. School is SSDD. I have some projects I really need to start working on but haven't yet. I need to go see my advisor and make sure my credits are all where they are supposed to be for graduation. It's so hard to get ahold of him, he is rarely in his office when you go and he is just plain hard to come across. There are a couple things I should probably be doing in preparation for graduation too. I'm to the point where I honestly just don't care. Give me my diploma and let me go.

My friend Sarah and I went out on Saturday morning to hunt for bridesmaid dresses for her wedding. We've finally found them and all is resolved!! Still waiting for a refund from David's Bridal though cause I sent a dress back to them and I still don't have my money back. The rest of Saturday I was completely unproductive and spent being lazy and taking naps or watching movies. Mike went out on Saturday evening and I couldn't help but be a bit jealous because I haven't been able to go out for so long and I would really like to have a few drinks sometimes. That and I haven't felt pretty or sexy for just as long and I am longing to wear my going out clothes again heh. I love my little baby boy though, don't get me wrong. He's getting big and I'm feeling more and more stretched out. He sits on my right side and ONLY on my right side. Apparently the left side of the womb is not appealing to him which makes things rather uncomfortable for me. I understand what women are talking about when they say the second trimester is the comfortable part cause things are starting to get uncomfortable again now that I'm well into my third.

Mom and I went out a bit today. She had coupons for Teresa's deli, which is like my favorite place. So we went and got lunch there and took it to the little Glenwood Park to eat. It was a bit chilly as the sun was behind trees, but it was nice to be outside for a while. Then we went to the mall and looked at craft stores for invitations for the baby shower. Couldn't find any there so we went to Visionworks to get mom some new glasses. Then we stopped at Wal Mart and found some blank cards that will do just fine for invitations...we'll just have to write them out or find a way to print them. I was getting tired and testy by the time we were done with it all and I accidentally put a scratch in the truck today which was no good at all. It was good to get out though as sitting around at home is really dull. I'm ready for the weather to warm up, but I don't have clothes to wear for warmer weather and I am not in a money spending mood lately. I guess it's partly because I find it so pointless to buy clothes that I can only wear while pregnant...but I should probably make the investment because I am sure this will not be the only baby.

I am now contemplating what I should eat for dinner. I think I will have another hamburger, but this time I will put it on a bun. Last night I had one just plain with ketchup and mustard on it. It was good but I think a bun is needed today. I hope Mike calls again soon, our last conversation ended on a sour note and I really don't like when that happens. Grrr heh heh. I still love him :)

Monday, March 09, 2009

I am finally mostly over my cold...or whatever it was! As happy as I am about that I can't help but notice the irony in the fact that it came on spring break and now that spring break is over with it is almost gone. I guess I should be happy I didn't have to miss any class over being sick or try to keep up with stuff while I was feeling like a squished racoon. I think I would be much happier if I had been healthy and not out of it for the small amount of time I got to spend with Mike, though. Poor guy, he is so good to me. There I was, pregnant and sick as a dog and he was patient with me the whole time. I love him :)

Today I went to another Dr appointment. I had to drink nasty orange glucose stuff beforehand so they could take my blood and test for gestational diabetes. I hate it when they take my blood! I go back in two weeks again cause appointments are getting closer and closer together now that I am in my third trimester. I don't think I've been to see the Dr so much in my life! Well, baby is doing fine despite my bout with the plague which is very good! It's getting closer and closer to his birthday and I'm getting a little more apprehensive. I'm sure it will all be fine, I just really want Mike to be there when it all goes down and there is 0 guarantee of that. We will see.

Yesterday Mike and I went down to Opry Mills Mall and walked around a bit and ate at the Rainforest Cafe. Much overpriced for it's tastiness if you ask me, but it wasn't bad. Then we drove to The Hermitage, homestead of Andrew Jackson where we looked around at the little museum shop but didn't actually go on a tour cause we didn't have time since my flight was at 5:18. We will go back there sometime now that we know where it is and go on a tour. Then we stopped at this weird dam on the river...I am not entirely sure which river either...maybe the Cumberland? Well anyway, weird dams on weird southern rivers make for weird lakes, and so lo and behold there was a corresponding weird lake hahah. Anyway, we were just trying to waste time before he had to take me to the airport. Ah airports; I have a love-hate relationship with airports. They can either mean I am going to be very happy soon or they can mean I am going to be very very sad soon. Yesterday it was the airport's time to mean sadness. Yes, we had to say our goodbyes with much sadness... But hopefully he will be up for my birthday and so I am very much looking forward to that.

So spring break is over, and today was hard in lots of ways. Senioritis is getting out of hand and I really need to focus if I'm going to make it through the next 8 weeks. I find it hard to even pretend to look like I care now. I hope this is not too noticeable to my professors...hah. I'm told that someday sooner than I think I will look back and wish I was still in college instead of out working. I understand working will be a drag in its own right, but I find it hard to believe I will ever wish to be back in college. I certainly don't wish the same of highschool! Well, I think I should find something to eat.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Last week was uneventful and I'm down in Kentucky for spring break now. Flew down on Friday night, got sick on the flight which was not at all fun. Mike and I decided to take a trip out to Mammoth Cave on Saturday. It was raining and kind of nasty weather, but it was so worth it. That cave has seriously got to be one of the natural wonders of the world! We took some pretty cool pictures which I've been attempting to upload to facebook but facebook only wanted to upload like four or five of them and doesn't seem to want to let me do the rest. Maybe I will get them up sometime.

Sunday we attempted to try out our new meat smoker. It's a pretty cool little thing and we were all excited about smoking up a whole turkey and having some delicious meat for lunch throughout the week. Unfortunately it was very cold outside and very very windy and the poor little thing doesn't do so well in the wind. We couldn't get it up to the correct temperature. The bird smoked partially but we had to finish up cooking it in the oven. It's still pretty tastey and I made Mike a sandwich out of it today. We were supposed to be able to spend his lunch time together as he is at work, but he had work to get done that was laid on him at the last minute so I ended up just taking it in to him and coming back home. I have been lying in bed all day because I have come down with quite some sickness. Yesterday I had the sore throat in the morning and it got progressively worse to lung racking coughs and a raging headache. I hope I am not running a fever. I'm not really concerned about me, just the baby. I have this nasty nagging worry in the back of my head telling me it could end up being pneumonia, so I'm prepared to go to a doctor if my lungs seem to be getting any worse. I really hope it's not pneumonia. What sucks is there are only like four medications I can take, none of which are all-round cold medicine. I can take robitussin, sudafed, actifed and regular tylenol. Since I'm not really congested right now, sudafed won't do anything. I like to stay away from tylenol cause I don't trust that any medication is really safe. Robitussin may be the one I end up taking if I really have to.

I'm supposed to be cleaning up the kitchen from yesterday's turkey dinner, but instead I have not been able to get myself out of bed. I really need to though because I want to make dinner tonight so Mike doesn't have to worry about it when he comes home from work. Hopefully I will feel much better tomorrow, we will see.