Monday, March 09, 2009

I am finally mostly over my cold...or whatever it was! As happy as I am about that I can't help but notice the irony in the fact that it came on spring break and now that spring break is over with it is almost gone. I guess I should be happy I didn't have to miss any class over being sick or try to keep up with stuff while I was feeling like a squished racoon. I think I would be much happier if I had been healthy and not out of it for the small amount of time I got to spend with Mike, though. Poor guy, he is so good to me. There I was, pregnant and sick as a dog and he was patient with me the whole time. I love him :)

Today I went to another Dr appointment. I had to drink nasty orange glucose stuff beforehand so they could take my blood and test for gestational diabetes. I hate it when they take my blood! I go back in two weeks again cause appointments are getting closer and closer together now that I am in my third trimester. I don't think I've been to see the Dr so much in my life! Well, baby is doing fine despite my bout with the plague which is very good! It's getting closer and closer to his birthday and I'm getting a little more apprehensive. I'm sure it will all be fine, I just really want Mike to be there when it all goes down and there is 0 guarantee of that. We will see.

Yesterday Mike and I went down to Opry Mills Mall and walked around a bit and ate at the Rainforest Cafe. Much overpriced for it's tastiness if you ask me, but it wasn't bad. Then we drove to The Hermitage, homestead of Andrew Jackson where we looked around at the little museum shop but didn't actually go on a tour cause we didn't have time since my flight was at 5:18. We will go back there sometime now that we know where it is and go on a tour. Then we stopped at this weird dam on the river...I am not entirely sure which river either...maybe the Cumberland? Well anyway, weird dams on weird southern rivers make for weird lakes, and so lo and behold there was a corresponding weird lake hahah. Anyway, we were just trying to waste time before he had to take me to the airport. Ah airports; I have a love-hate relationship with airports. They can either mean I am going to be very happy soon or they can mean I am going to be very very sad soon. Yesterday it was the airport's time to mean sadness. Yes, we had to say our goodbyes with much sadness... But hopefully he will be up for my birthday and so I am very much looking forward to that.

So spring break is over, and today was hard in lots of ways. Senioritis is getting out of hand and I really need to focus if I'm going to make it through the next 8 weeks. I find it hard to even pretend to look like I care now. I hope this is not too noticeable to my professors...hah. I'm told that someday sooner than I think I will look back and wish I was still in college instead of out working. I understand working will be a drag in its own right, but I find it hard to believe I will ever wish to be back in college. I certainly don't wish the same of highschool! Well, I think I should find something to eat.

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