Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another uneventful week. School is becoming a real drag and I'm ready to be done with it all. There has been more sunshine lately, though, which puts me in a bit of a better mood. The first day of spring I woke up to a little bit of snow on the ground...yuck.

Mom and I planned on going down to church this morning and then going and spending time with Gammer and Gaffer and Aaron. Unfortunately, her truck overheated around the Edinboro exit so we had to be rescued by Don and his buddy who brought mom's car up. We still made it down in her car after we took the truck to the local shop. It was nice to see Gammer and Gaffer, and Aaron again. Mom and I worked a lot yesterday on invitations for the baby shower in May. We finally set the date and got all the invitations made and now we just need to finish them up and send them out. Hopefully people can make it...we are afraid that the guys in the family will see the words "baby shower" and freak out and think it's a girl thing or something. I am going for the nontraditional, lets-all-get-together-and-have-a-cookout, BYOB type of baby shower. I hope they all understand that and don't get all icky cause they think for some reason that babies are a female affair. I hate that stupid victorian idea. Well anyway, we will see I guess.

Mike bought plane tickets to come up for my graduation and for baby time. Unfortunately he can't come up for my birthday which kind of really disappoints me, but it's too much money anyway. He would be a great birthday present. I really should be studying for this test I have tomorrow in Spiller's class. I don't know the material and I'm really not looking forward to it at all. Blah, school is such a drag! I also have a translation project I need to work on for the German class I am supposed to be testing out of for credit this semester. I know I would feel much better if I just sat down and got it over and done with. It's the actual sitting down and getting it over and done with part that I can't seem to bring myself to do hahah. Oh on the way up from Sharpsville mom and I saw a bald eagle out in a corn field tearing away at some unfortunate rabbit or something it had caught! It was fantastic! When I first saw it I thought it was a turkey, but then I looked closer and I saw the white head and undertail and I was like WOW a bald eagle!! Really a magnificent bird! So we stopped and watched it tearing away at flesh for a couple minutes and then we moved on. So cool.

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