Friday, December 18, 2009

Wednesday last week all of our possessions were packed up in boxes and scattered around the house. It always feels so weird in the middle of a move when you go to get something in a familiar spot and it's not there. Everything seems unfamiliar and dislodged, like you don't belong anywhere anymore. On Thursday the movers loaded everything and we arranged to meet them on Friday morning in St Robert, MO. We finally found a house out there which is good, and it also allowed us to arrange this direct delivery, which is almost unheard of in terms of Army moves. Usually everything gets shipped and put into storage at the destination and then you have to contact transportation and set up an appointment to get it all delivered and sometimes that can take a while. Another downside to that is that your stuff gets a lot of extra handling in between when they offload it into storage and load it back up to deliver it...and in my experience extra handling of furniture especially out of sight of the owners is never a good thing.

So, after they left with our stuff, we decided to sleep a bit that night and leave super early the next morning to meet them out in MO which was supposed to work out just fine because they were supposed to have another load to deliver before ours and told us that it would be around noon before they got around to our place. This was good because we still had to go to the realtors and sign the lease on the house we had gotten and get the keys and smooth all that stuff out. We left at around 2am and made pretty decent time arriving in MO at about 8:30 for our appointment with the realtor at 8:45. Well turns out the movers called and were en route to our place and we still had all this stuff to take care of with the house before they were supposed to get there...what a morning it was. First we flew through the details with the realtor all the while receiving calls from transpo saying if we weren't at the house by 10 they would have to have everything stored, which would have totally screwed up our entire plan. Then we sped out to the house which we still had to do a walk through inspection on preferably before it was filled with all of our furniture. Then the movers came and started moving our stuff in, papers that we needed had been misplaced, Nathan was demanding constant attention, Mike and I were struggling to complete the move-in inspection on the house AND take inventory of our stuff as they were moving it short, it was crazy. We managed to make it through alive, though we were thoroughly exhausted by the end. Everything was moved in on Friday, we set up all of the utilities that afternoon and started to unpack stuff. We unpacked some more things on Saturday, and then left to come back to Kentucky on Sunday morning because Mike still had to finish out this week of work and we still had to clear the old house and turn it over to the realtor.

Sunday night we cleaned the bathroom and Monday morning we had the carpets cleaned and we cleaned the kitchen and dining room in the old house, then we arranged to have it inspected on Monday night. Originally it was supposed to be Tuesday morning, but we were happy to have it out of our hands and turn the keys over on Monday night. And, we've been living in a hotel this whole life has been a giant ball of nonstop fun recently hahah. So it is finally Friday, and tomorrow we head up north for Christmas and New Years and all of that fun family filled stuff. Wow, just recounting all of the past week's happenings has exhausted me! I did want to get a blog in though because I am once again falling behind on my promise...maybe it won't be so hard when life settles back down into some sort of routine. We shall see.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

So I haven't been on here for a long time. So much for writing a blog every week like I intended. Now I have to sum up a whole half a year in one blog so I can get on track...well let me see...

Nathan Alexander Henriques arrived on May 22nd, 2009 at 4:40 pm. He was 9lbs 14oz and 22in long. I was induced at 7:00 am and the whole thing pretty much sucked until I saw him. I am not sure how to describe how it felt to hear him stop crying at the sound of my voice. He is so precious and his parents adore him ;)

Finally moved down to Kentucky in early June about a week after he was born...that was tough. Mike didn't end up getting sent to West Point after all, and my gratitude goes out to his commanders for their understanding of our situation. Summer was a whir of taking care of Nathan. It was wonderful really, lonely at times because I don't really know anyone down here and Mike is at work a lot, but still wonderful. We went to concerts on post, we spent the fourth of July with my mom who came down to visit. We went camping out at Land Between the Lakes with Nathan. My only took me a lot longer to heal from the birth than I think it takes most women, and it was very painful for a long time.

Fall came without me even knowing it. I realized how much I gauged my seasons off when I started school and when breaks occurred, and since there was no school to start it has all blurred into one big mass of not-feeling-like-it-should-be's. By this I mean I keep thinking to myself "it doesn't feel like it should already be (fill in the blank)!" For instance, it doesn't feel like it should already be December! We spent our 2 year Anniversary in Chattanooga at a cabin in the mountains. It was wonderful! We spent Halloween at home and I was very sad because I did not get to the pumpkin place on time so I didn't get to carve a pumpkin. We spent Thanksgiving together here in our home with lots of turkey and the whole deal. Nathan has been growing like a weed the whole time. He is now 6 months old and he fits 12 month old clothes. He's a giant. He has a personality and a temper to match his size, too.

Now I come to the present. We are getting ready to move, again. Mike got a branch transfer to MP and he will be attending the MP Captains Career Course at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. It is out in the middle of nowhere in the Ozarks. It will only be around 6 months though...probably. Bad thing about that, we will have to move AGAIN in 6 months. Good thing about that, we don't have to spend forever at Ft Lost in the Woods. So we leave Oak Grove, KY and Clarksville, TN and Fort Campbell and Nashville behind in the next week or so...and I can't say I am not a little sad. A lot of our life has happened here and to top that off I have the curse of being a very sentimental person...GARRR.

Ok, so I skipped a lot of stuff for the sake of making this as short as possible, but now I think I can start off anew and I will truly try to keep a weekly blog posted. I'm already angry at myself as it is for having slacked off and not kept record of all the things that have happened in the past 6 months. It would have been precious to me later, I'm sure.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another week has passed, another weekend here. Time is going so slow and so fast all at once. Went to the doctor's again on Friday, nothing again. I was starting to get really worried for a while until I found out Gammer says mom didn't drop until a couple hours before she was born. Maybe that's how this will go? I don't know. Everything that I can think of for the most part is ready. I just need to go to Babies R Us and buy some last minute things since I finally got the 10% off certificate for our registry stuff. I'm anxious to get this over with, and I hope I can push through without pain meds.

Lately I've just been really lazy for the most part. I sit around all day and read or take naps. I should try spending more time outside, but I can't be on my feet for very long before things get painful. Last weekend I found out Mike is scheduled to deploy for 2 months to West Point this summer. Needless to say, neither of us is happy about it at all. No sooner do I get the chance to move down with him and the Army has him off on some other assignment that would be better suited to someone who is single and doesn't have a newborn baby. Well, such is our life. Originally it was supposed to be for 3 weeks, and now it's up to 2 months so it went from sucky to bullshit real quick. However, now they may be putting him back down to 3 weeks again, and I'm trying not to get my hopes up but it's kind of hard not to. I have a love-hate relationship with the Army...and lately a lot of it has been hate. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping the love comes back before I raise my right hand in December. Mike does get a promotion to Captain on June 1st though, I am very proud of him.

Our crib got send down to Kentucky and Mike has it all put together and in the baby's room. We are just waiting for the dresser and the conversion rails that go with it. Then we need to get a mattress to put in it and a bedding set. Yikes, more money heh. Babies are so expensive! This initial cost though should be something of a one time thing because when we have more we won't have to keep buying a new crib.

Not sure what is in store for today, but I think I may go down and visit with Gammer and Gaffer along with mom. Probably should be sticking close to the hospital, but meh. I've started packing up some of my stuff for the move, but I hate packing and I never know where to begin. I always end up packing something that I need in between now and when I move and then I have to kick myself and ask myself why I packed it. I am also reluctant to have that look about the place that comes with moving. It always makes things look so bare and out of place and very un-homey. Oh well, I guess I have to at some point. Well I think it's shower time for me.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

What a week! I got all my thank you's written and sent out by Tuesday. I was having a panic attack when I looked at my online transcript because the way I read it (which was wrong) made it look like I was short several credits for graduation purposes and I almost flipped out. But I was reading it wrong and turns out I'm just where I thought I would be. Wednesday was a tough day, dad called and informed me that Grandma Peterson passed away. I will miss her very much and I have been thinking a lot about Grandpa and the rest of the family. The funeral was this weekend and because I am due in 2 weeks I couldn't go down to North Carolina for it. That's been pretty hard for me cause I really want to be with the family right now and celebrate Grandma's life. But, little baby Nathan is important too, and I couldn't very well be going into labor en route or away from my doctors or hospital. It makes me really sad that I couldn't be at her funeral though.

Yesterday I went to the doctor's again (which I'm getting really sick of) and the baby is just not ready to come out yet I guess. No dropping or dilation going on and the doctor says he's headed to the 9 pound mark which makes me really nervous. I would prefer to be in one piece after labor and delivery, and 9 lbs is a really BIG baby. He'll probably wait till the 22nd, which I guess I should be happy about because I want Mike to be here...but at the same time I'm just ready for him to come out! Like right now!

Today was crazy. I hosted Sarah's bridal shower out at Presque Isle and today of all days of the week just happened to be one of the windiest days we've had for a long time. So it was tough to hang on to paper plates and eat food and such. On top of that, only half the people who rsvp'd a yes showed up, and only half the people who were invited rsvp'd a yes so I guess only about a quarter of the people invited showed. I was really kind of disappointed about that...I think it's kind of rude to say you are going to be somewhere and then not show up. We had a time opening the gifts with all the wind, but it worked out and I think mostly we had fun. Unfortunately one of Sarah's friends had a seizure towards the end so we had to call in an ambulance and we were all a bit upset after that. Thankfully she is doing alright though! I came home and was simply exhausted! I don't know if it was the wind or what, but I was just ready to drop when we got home so I took a nap. This evening Mike and I finally decided on a crib set, so we bought that and it should be on its way sometime early June. It's exciting to have that taken care of, but it is expensive too. It is a very nice crib though, and it converts to a full size bed for later on in life so it's like buying a crib and a bed all at once I guess. When you look at it that way it's a good deal. We will have to get a matress now, and a bedding set. Bedding sets can be very expensive too, but maybe I will see if I can find one on sale. I think I will go to Babies R Us tomorrow and check out some of the stuff that's on sale this weekend. I'm waiting for a certificate in the mail that's supposed to give us 10% off everything that's left on our registry and I haven't gotten it yet, but there are some things on sale this weekend that are more than 10% off so I will probably take advantage of that.

Nothing much planned for next week, just more waiting around to see what baby's going to do. I'm hoping something will be happening by next Friday which is when I have my next appointment. I'm kind of anxious though, and I'm afraid I will wimp out and take the epidural with him being so big. I really want to go natural, though. Well, I guess I will think about going to bed...

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Psalm 23

Rest in Peace, Grandma
11-17-19?? - 5-6-2009

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Finals week was a little bit stressful, but now it's all over and I'm officially a college graduate! I feel like I should be ecstatic, and in a way I guess I am but at the same time it's a little bittersweet. Four years going to one place and making so many memories, not necessarily all good, but some really's finally time to move on in my life in so many huge ways and I am a little sad, but I am also soooooo happy. I know this doesn't make any sense.

After my last final on Friday, Mike flew into the airport and I picked him up and we spent the day together. We went to a Japanese steakhouse for a hibachi dinner and I had chicken and shrimp and he had steak and shrimp. It was so delicious but then that night my ankles swelled up like balloons! It was crazy cause they've never swelled so much before. We went to see Taken at the dollar theater after dinner and it was just a really nice night! On Saturday, we all went down to Edinboro for my graduation. It was long but I didn't stay for the whole thing or it could have been a lot longer. Eric, mom, dad and Mike were all there to cheer me on so it was pretty cool. After graduation we headed down to Sharpsville for a cookout. Jonathan and Jess, Sarah, Joel and Eric were all there and a bunch of other people and it was really wonderful to see everyone and have a fire in the old fire ring! Everyone was so generous with gifts for the baby too (THANKS!!!!) and I just had a really great time! Today, the guys started tinkering around with mom's old motorcycle. We all got to visit more and eat more yummy food. The weekend flew by way too fast, though, and now already I am sitting here alone again wondering what I am going to occupy myself with for the next 3 weeks until the baby is due. I took Mike to the airport and we had to say goodbye again. This time it won't be too long though, and then we will finally live in the same house! I hate saying goodbye :(

So, this week is...unplanned. I guess I can start packing up my possessions and getting ready to move. Friday I have a doctor's appt again. Saturday is Sarah's bridal shower which I need to finalize plans for this week. I need to write thank you notes to all the people who were so generous to Mike and I this weekend! It kind of sounds like a lot, but in reality, I find myself with almost nothing to do and it is very strange as opposed to the rush of the last weeks of college. I already miss Mike terribly. SIGH

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So, my German paper is officially done, submitted, and approved! I waited till the last minute like always, but I managed to pass the competency exam and get my credits! I talked to my advisor, Dr. Czejdo, the other day and if it isn't already, everything should be set in motion for graduation by today. I have 3 more finals to get through, one today at 2 for environmental issues, one Thursday at 8 am for geology, and one on Friday at 8 am for history. Studying is pretty much out of the question I think...I can plan on it as much as I want and it's just not going to happen lol.

After my final today I have a doctors appointment for another sonogram! YAY! They need to make sure baby is in the right position for the big day and everything. He is getting really big and now when he moves it is extremely uncomfortable at times. I'm afraid he will be over 8 lbs and that means the clothes we bought for him are probably going to be too small :( Grrr. I'm so excited for this weekend! Mike is coming on Friday right after my last final, Saturday is graduation and then the baby shower! I just hope it doesn't rain on Saturday.

I have to turn in all of my Army TA-50 that was ROTC issued this week. I have been putting that off, but I think I will sort it all out tomorrow and take it in on Thursday. I don't have any finals tomorrow so I will probably do that and also get some cleaning done around the house. I'm trying to do some cleaning right now, but I am being super lazy and writing this instead. It's all really just to keep me busy with something else so I don't have to study hah. I don't expect this final to be too difficult anyway. We will see I guess. Ok, well back to cleaning and then a much needed shower!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wow, ok so I missed last weekend. I've been super busy with all kinds of stuff.

So my excuse for last weekend would be that I left a big battle analysis project on Operation Market Garden till the last minute and was working on it Sunday and Monday up until I had to turn it in and present it on Tuesday. I even skipped my Tuesday morning class, hah bad I know. I tend to do in leave things to the very last (and when I say last, I mean like 10 minutes before class last) minute. Well, it turned out ok I think...or should I say I hope. Now I am putting off doing my German paper which I told myself would be due tomorrow even though there is no real due date. I hate it when professors leave me that freedom. I need them to give me a due date or I won't get it done. I really need to get this done and turned in though, it's a very important paper for some very important credit...basically the determinant to whether I graduate or not.

So today I got up and cleaned the mess in the kitchen up. It was full of dirty dishes cause mom and I were being lazy all week. Then I tidied some stuff up in my room and got some more baby research done. Lately I've been doing things to prepare for his arrival. I was researching diapers yesterday and today online. If you're wondering why I was researching diapers, here's the deal. I'm planning on cloth diapering and there are so many options out there these days that it takes a lot of research to figure out what to invest in. I don't think I can use disposibles on a regular basis and keep a clear conscience...they are pretty horrible for both baby and the environment. I know what you're thinking...what a tree hugger, right? Nope, cloth diapers are actually more economical than disposibles. They are non-toxic and don't cause as much diaper rash as the nasty chemicals in disposibles. And one of the best parts about it, they don't take 500 years to decompose :) Most are made from all-natural materials like cotton and hemp, and you can just wash them and use them over and over :) It's great isn't it? I mean, since when is the cheaper alternative actually the one that's better for everyone!! Yes, it takes a little more work but that's cool with me. So that's why I was researching diapers. I also filled out a pre-admission form for the hospital cause I don't want to have to be doing that crap when I'm in labor.

Now for the past 3 hours or so I've been putting together invitations for Sarah's bridal shower, which I finally finished! I have to get grocery shopping done, go give Sarah some of the invitations that she's going to hand deliver, and hopefully get started on my German paper. I'm feeling much more accomplished today than I was yesterday. I was not feeling well yesterday at all. It was a beautiful day outside but for some reason I just felt like crap. I should figure out something for dinner tonight as well. Any suggestions?

Just 2 more weeks to push through and I'm done with college!! That's pretty sweet if you ask me :)

Sunday, April 05, 2009

This week is going to be somewhat busy. Last week was ok I guess. Had another Spanish test on Friday and I am not at all looking forward to finding out how that went. Friday evening mom and I went down to Edinboro for the Celebration of Excellence Ceremony where I received my stole for Cum Laude. It's red :) I was, however, very angry because I was supposed to be recognized as a candidate for commission with some of my fellow cadets and I was completely overlooked. I was not invited by the colonel and I was not listed as a candidate for commission in the program. I am angry because I have spent four years dedicating real time and effort to the ROTC program, and I still actively participate in mentoring and counseling cadets to prepare them for LDAC this summer. I will finish my ROTC obligation AND graduate this spring. The Army refuses to commission me while I am pregnant so I have to wait till December, but please explain to me how this somehow makes me no longer a candidate for commission and no longer worthy of being acknowledged among my peers as a cadet who has completed the requirements and dedicated 4 years to the program! This is beyond unfair, it is intolerable! It may be hard for someone who hasn't been through what I have to understand where I am coming from or even to understand why it matters so much that my name be on that little program and that I be acknowledged. Probably all of the cadets who had to go to this dinner and be acknowledged didn't want to be there, so why should I care right? Well, I've surmounted a lot of odds and obstacles.. especially over the last year and a half, and I DESERVE TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED.

I spent my birthday with mom and Gammer and Gaffer. Gammer and Gaffer treated us to Olive Garden, one of my favorite restaurants, and I had my normal stuffed chicken marsala. It was delicious and really nice to spend that time with them. I missed Mike rather dreadfully, though. I guess I had this idea that when he was finally home from deployment I would get to actually spend special days together with him. Sometimes I wonder if that will ever be the case as long as one or both of us are in the Army. I hope America is grateful for us because sometimes it seems like a waste of time and a lot of unnecessary sorrow. Anyway, today I have been entirely unproductive and have spent most of my time either napping or playing on the computer. Yes, I do have work to do, I just don't have much motivation to do it. It's starting to get down to crunch time though and I almost wish someone would just light a fire under my ass. 27 days till graduation and some big projects to get done before then. I will be so happy for graduation and the cookout to finally be here. I will get to see my Michael again and family and friends!

I have at least two tests coming up this week: Environmental Issues test on Tuesday and Geology test on Thursday. I have a small presentation to do on Tuesday for military science, and I have a large battle analysis project that I believe is due next week for the same class...haven't even started it yet. I have to read a short story in German and write a 3 page summary of it in German and submit that to my German professor for my required 407 credits. I have to see my advisor soon to make sure everything is in order for graduation, and I believe I have to purchase my cap and gown (yuck!). I have to write 3 more film reviews for my environmental issues class, and I have to survive two more Spiller tests without completely failing. I am a little bit stressed right now, heheh. So why can't I just get these things out of the way? ARGH and yet here I sit writing this blog

Well I am famished so off I go to search for food

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I can hardly believe it's almost April! That, of course, means that my birthday is coming up soon. Wow 22, and I remember when it seemed like 22 year olds were so old hahah. Mom and I went back to Babies R' Us yesterday to put more stuff on the registry. There were lots of things I forgot the first time so we took care of most of that and I feel much better. The invitations are out and we already have some confirmed guests, which is really cool! I want this to be a fun celebration! April means that I have to finish up lots of work for school though, so the celebrating can't begin yet. Yuck, I will be so happy to graduate and get out of Edinboro!

So last week's Spiller test that I was so worried about actually went alright! I crammed on wikipedia for about an hour or so before the test and I got an 84 instead of a 63 this time! hahah I know that's not great, but all things considered (and those who have had Spiller know what I mean) it isn't that bad. Took a quiz in Spanish on Friday, and it was one of those times where immediately after taking the quiz you know exactly what you did wrong and you're just like D'OH! heheh, yeah. Well, there's only about a month left of school which is pretty darn cool and I am definitely looking forward to May 2nd.

Mom and I both seem to be ailing with some sort of lethargic stomach bug...well it causes lethargy at least. I don't know, yesterday both of our stomachs were hurting us and neither of us had much of an appetite. Today isn't much better for me, although I do feel like I am hungry. My head feels like crap though and my stomach is still not feeling so great. I'm hoping it goes away, and fast. I need to go to the grocery store and stock up a little on some food. I must force myself to pack a lunch all week this week as it costs too much to eat out and fast food is definitely not good for me or the baby. My problems would be solved if I could eat lunch meat, but since that's on the list of forbiddens it makes things hard when it comes to figuring out what the heck I should make my sandwiches out of. I don't like peanut butter and jelly either, so don't even suggest it. Usually I get a rotissery chicken and cut that up throughout the week to make chicken sandwiches. That turns out really good, but I get tired of the same thing day in and day out. Fruit is a must have for lunch packing! I looooove fruit!

Time to find some lunch I think

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another uneventful week. School is becoming a real drag and I'm ready to be done with it all. There has been more sunshine lately, though, which puts me in a bit of a better mood. The first day of spring I woke up to a little bit of snow on the ground...yuck.

Mom and I planned on going down to church this morning and then going and spending time with Gammer and Gaffer and Aaron. Unfortunately, her truck overheated around the Edinboro exit so we had to be rescued by Don and his buddy who brought mom's car up. We still made it down in her car after we took the truck to the local shop. It was nice to see Gammer and Gaffer, and Aaron again. Mom and I worked a lot yesterday on invitations for the baby shower in May. We finally set the date and got all the invitations made and now we just need to finish them up and send them out. Hopefully people can make it...we are afraid that the guys in the family will see the words "baby shower" and freak out and think it's a girl thing or something. I am going for the nontraditional, lets-all-get-together-and-have-a-cookout, BYOB type of baby shower. I hope they all understand that and don't get all icky cause they think for some reason that babies are a female affair. I hate that stupid victorian idea. Well anyway, we will see I guess.

Mike bought plane tickets to come up for my graduation and for baby time. Unfortunately he can't come up for my birthday which kind of really disappoints me, but it's too much money anyway. He would be a great birthday present. I really should be studying for this test I have tomorrow in Spiller's class. I don't know the material and I'm really not looking forward to it at all. Blah, school is such a drag! I also have a translation project I need to work on for the German class I am supposed to be testing out of for credit this semester. I know I would feel much better if I just sat down and got it over and done with. It's the actual sitting down and getting it over and done with part that I can't seem to bring myself to do hahah. Oh on the way up from Sharpsville mom and I saw a bald eagle out in a corn field tearing away at some unfortunate rabbit or something it had caught! It was fantastic! When I first saw it I thought it was a turkey, but then I looked closer and I saw the white head and undertail and I was like WOW a bald eagle!! Really a magnificent bird! So we stopped and watched it tearing away at flesh for a couple minutes and then we moved on. So cool.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I am in much need of a dentist appointment. I have been putting it off for years because I really do not like to go to the dentist, but my teeth are saying they need it. I'm afraid of what will be found heheh. This week was cloudy in lots of ways. I'm just bummed in general being back from Kentucky and missing my man more than ever. Sometimes I feel like I miss him more than he misses me but I can't prove that I guess. School is SSDD. I have some projects I really need to start working on but haven't yet. I need to go see my advisor and make sure my credits are all where they are supposed to be for graduation. It's so hard to get ahold of him, he is rarely in his office when you go and he is just plain hard to come across. There are a couple things I should probably be doing in preparation for graduation too. I'm to the point where I honestly just don't care. Give me my diploma and let me go.

My friend Sarah and I went out on Saturday morning to hunt for bridesmaid dresses for her wedding. We've finally found them and all is resolved!! Still waiting for a refund from David's Bridal though cause I sent a dress back to them and I still don't have my money back. The rest of Saturday I was completely unproductive and spent being lazy and taking naps or watching movies. Mike went out on Saturday evening and I couldn't help but be a bit jealous because I haven't been able to go out for so long and I would really like to have a few drinks sometimes. That and I haven't felt pretty or sexy for just as long and I am longing to wear my going out clothes again heh. I love my little baby boy though, don't get me wrong. He's getting big and I'm feeling more and more stretched out. He sits on my right side and ONLY on my right side. Apparently the left side of the womb is not appealing to him which makes things rather uncomfortable for me. I understand what women are talking about when they say the second trimester is the comfortable part cause things are starting to get uncomfortable again now that I'm well into my third.

Mom and I went out a bit today. She had coupons for Teresa's deli, which is like my favorite place. So we went and got lunch there and took it to the little Glenwood Park to eat. It was a bit chilly as the sun was behind trees, but it was nice to be outside for a while. Then we went to the mall and looked at craft stores for invitations for the baby shower. Couldn't find any there so we went to Visionworks to get mom some new glasses. Then we stopped at Wal Mart and found some blank cards that will do just fine for invitations...we'll just have to write them out or find a way to print them. I was getting tired and testy by the time we were done with it all and I accidentally put a scratch in the truck today which was no good at all. It was good to get out though as sitting around at home is really dull. I'm ready for the weather to warm up, but I don't have clothes to wear for warmer weather and I am not in a money spending mood lately. I guess it's partly because I find it so pointless to buy clothes that I can only wear while pregnant...but I should probably make the investment because I am sure this will not be the only baby.

I am now contemplating what I should eat for dinner. I think I will have another hamburger, but this time I will put it on a bun. Last night I had one just plain with ketchup and mustard on it. It was good but I think a bun is needed today. I hope Mike calls again soon, our last conversation ended on a sour note and I really don't like when that happens. Grrr heh heh. I still love him :)

Monday, March 09, 2009

I am finally mostly over my cold...or whatever it was! As happy as I am about that I can't help but notice the irony in the fact that it came on spring break and now that spring break is over with it is almost gone. I guess I should be happy I didn't have to miss any class over being sick or try to keep up with stuff while I was feeling like a squished racoon. I think I would be much happier if I had been healthy and not out of it for the small amount of time I got to spend with Mike, though. Poor guy, he is so good to me. There I was, pregnant and sick as a dog and he was patient with me the whole time. I love him :)

Today I went to another Dr appointment. I had to drink nasty orange glucose stuff beforehand so they could take my blood and test for gestational diabetes. I hate it when they take my blood! I go back in two weeks again cause appointments are getting closer and closer together now that I am in my third trimester. I don't think I've been to see the Dr so much in my life! Well, baby is doing fine despite my bout with the plague which is very good! It's getting closer and closer to his birthday and I'm getting a little more apprehensive. I'm sure it will all be fine, I just really want Mike to be there when it all goes down and there is 0 guarantee of that. We will see.

Yesterday Mike and I went down to Opry Mills Mall and walked around a bit and ate at the Rainforest Cafe. Much overpriced for it's tastiness if you ask me, but it wasn't bad. Then we drove to The Hermitage, homestead of Andrew Jackson where we looked around at the little museum shop but didn't actually go on a tour cause we didn't have time since my flight was at 5:18. We will go back there sometime now that we know where it is and go on a tour. Then we stopped at this weird dam on the river...I am not entirely sure which river either...maybe the Cumberland? Well anyway, weird dams on weird southern rivers make for weird lakes, and so lo and behold there was a corresponding weird lake hahah. Anyway, we were just trying to waste time before he had to take me to the airport. Ah airports; I have a love-hate relationship with airports. They can either mean I am going to be very happy soon or they can mean I am going to be very very sad soon. Yesterday it was the airport's time to mean sadness. Yes, we had to say our goodbyes with much sadness... But hopefully he will be up for my birthday and so I am very much looking forward to that.

So spring break is over, and today was hard in lots of ways. Senioritis is getting out of hand and I really need to focus if I'm going to make it through the next 8 weeks. I find it hard to even pretend to look like I care now. I hope this is not too noticeable to my professors...hah. I'm told that someday sooner than I think I will look back and wish I was still in college instead of out working. I understand working will be a drag in its own right, but I find it hard to believe I will ever wish to be back in college. I certainly don't wish the same of highschool! Well, I think I should find something to eat.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Last week was uneventful and I'm down in Kentucky for spring break now. Flew down on Friday night, got sick on the flight which was not at all fun. Mike and I decided to take a trip out to Mammoth Cave on Saturday. It was raining and kind of nasty weather, but it was so worth it. That cave has seriously got to be one of the natural wonders of the world! We took some pretty cool pictures which I've been attempting to upload to facebook but facebook only wanted to upload like four or five of them and doesn't seem to want to let me do the rest. Maybe I will get them up sometime.

Sunday we attempted to try out our new meat smoker. It's a pretty cool little thing and we were all excited about smoking up a whole turkey and having some delicious meat for lunch throughout the week. Unfortunately it was very cold outside and very very windy and the poor little thing doesn't do so well in the wind. We couldn't get it up to the correct temperature. The bird smoked partially but we had to finish up cooking it in the oven. It's still pretty tastey and I made Mike a sandwich out of it today. We were supposed to be able to spend his lunch time together as he is at work, but he had work to get done that was laid on him at the last minute so I ended up just taking it in to him and coming back home. I have been lying in bed all day because I have come down with quite some sickness. Yesterday I had the sore throat in the morning and it got progressively worse to lung racking coughs and a raging headache. I hope I am not running a fever. I'm not really concerned about me, just the baby. I have this nasty nagging worry in the back of my head telling me it could end up being pneumonia, so I'm prepared to go to a doctor if my lungs seem to be getting any worse. I really hope it's not pneumonia. What sucks is there are only like four medications I can take, none of which are all-round cold medicine. I can take robitussin, sudafed, actifed and regular tylenol. Since I'm not really congested right now, sudafed won't do anything. I like to stay away from tylenol cause I don't trust that any medication is really safe. Robitussin may be the one I end up taking if I really have to.

I'm supposed to be cleaning up the kitchen from yesterday's turkey dinner, but instead I have not been able to get myself out of bed. I really need to though because I want to make dinner tonight so Mike doesn't have to worry about it when he comes home from work. Hopefully I will feel much better tomorrow, we will see.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Last week flew by and this week is already well on its way and I'm only writing this now. Hahah I guess I thought I would try to get them written on weekends, but oh well. Nothing worth mentioning really happened last week I don't think. I studied for a Spanish test that I was supposed to have on Friday. I was very ready for it on Friday and it turned out we didn't have it until yesterday...unfortunately yesterday turned out to be one of those days where you can't think. I mean hardcore-forget-an-entire-verb-tense can't think. I hate those days because if I had taken the test on Friday when I was well prepared and not had the weekend to sit around on it I would have done fine. Well, I got a D on my history test from the previous monday and this week has just been going downhill since.

Today I took my military science midterm and, even though it was open book, it was quite an unfair assessment of anything at all. We were told we could expect to see questions pertaining to what we had gone over so far on the syllabus. Now silly me, I guess having been told that I thought that's actually what would be on the test, but instead I found a question that pertained to a chapter in the book which we had not even briefly mentioned. Of course expecting to find an answer to this question in one of the chapters we actually HAD covered I proceeded to "waste" time looking through every inch of those chapters for the answers to this question....of course fruitlessly. That really made my day go from OK to...oh...I don't know...I want to kill the world or something like that. It's one thing if an exam is difficult and a totally different thing if an exam is just plain unfair. }:-( <--- angry face


I have one more test to get through this week on Thursday and then Friday evening I fly down to Kentucky to spend some much needed time with Mike. I'm ready for a change of pace and direction in my life. I'm ready to be done with school. I'm ready to just get out there and live and I'm ready, I'm so ready, to finally be with my husband for more than just a week or two at a time. And I guess I will admit that I despise the people that can eat dinner every night with their love, hug them.. not the people I guess, but the fact that I can't. I despise trying to explain to my professor why I won't be there one day because I haven't seen Mike for weeks and I just need to be with him on his short visit. I despise that I don't live around other military wives who understand this and that nobody else can possibly ever understand. I HATE IT.

Ok, I think I should go
My appologies, this has been a bad week so far :-\

Monday, February 16, 2009

This weekend was a wonderful weekend. Mike came up to visit me and spend Valentine's Day with me. He bought me a beautiful bouquet of white roses and we had dinner and went to see "Gran Torino" on Saturday evening. On Sunday we went down to the Grove City outlets and bought a bunch of baby clothes which was fun and exciting! We also put some stuff on our registry at Babies R' Us. Everything about this weekend was just wonderful and I'm so happy I could spend it with him. It's funny how such a short time with him reminds me so much of how empty my life is when he is not with me. Saying goodbye to him at the airport again was no easier than it ever is either, even though I will see him again in about 11 days. It doesn't matter, I miss him every minute anyway. He is my best friend.

Last week was not that exciting. I took my geology test on Tuesday and got my test results back from my geography test on Thursday. I did really well on it actually so I am pleased. Should get my geology test results tomorrow. Casey and I taught lab on Thursday and I guess it went ok. I felt a little aggitated because it seemed like we were going too fast and throwing out too much information and I felt as though I wasn't able to contribute as much as I would have liked to it. Maybe some of that has to do with hormones, I don't know. I skipped classes on Friday (I know, I'm bad) because Mike was coming that morning so I decided I didn't want to attend. Unfortunately I had to go to classes today because I had a test and a quiz and so we had to spend the day in Edinboro. I don't think I did very well on either the test or the quiz but I don't care because my weekend was so wonderful :)

Well, I really should go eat some dinner because I am hungry and that means the baby is hungry too. I think it will be leftover roast from yesterday's meal. Yummmm

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Another week down..

Nothing that exciting happened this week. I had my first test of the semester which I think I did alright on. I have another one coming up on Tuesday and then another next Monday so I guess I'm happy they aren't all clustered together like they usually are. I actually took some time to read a book just for pleasure for the first time in a long time! I really enjoyed it a lot. Usually I don't have time to do that kind of thing, and actually I probably should be doing other things with my time right now...but oh well.

I booked my plane tickets for spring break so that's good. Definitely looking forward to next weekend! I will get to spend Valentine's Day with Mike for the first time since 2006. Very excited about that and trying to come up with a good place to eat out so I can make reservations. The baby is starting to show a pattern of wakefulness now I guess. Usually it's after meals and in the evening around 7 or 8. He really kicks around a lot some evenings right as I'm going to bed. He better not make a habit of it though because when he gets a little bigger it may be harder for me to ignore and actually go to sleep hah. I can't help but like it though :) I called dad and Grandma and Grandpa the other night to let them know it's a boy and they seemed pretty excited. Of course they want to know when I can come down and visit them which I keep having to tell them won't be till this summer. That's true though, with school and everything it makes it hard to actually have time to do anything.

Yesterday I spent the day with Sarah looking into florist shops for her and Frank's wedding this July. I ordered the dress she wants us to wear and then I thought maybe I should have ordered it a size larger than my normal size cause I don't know what size I will be 2 months after the baby comes.. SIGH. It's a very pretty dress though. Well, I guess not much has really happened to me lately so that's about all I have to write.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Well, it's finally the weekend and I am spitting out another blog like I promised. This week has been...more exciting than others I guess heheh.

Last weekend I bought a set with one of those infant swings, a stroller and a pack n' play for the baby when he comes. I finally put all that stuff together and it is all sitting in the living room so I think I need to move it upstairs cause it takes up all the space. Mom is thinking about a baby shower possibly for May.

I'm settled into my classes pretty well. I have a class on the geology of our national parks and I absolutely love it! Now every time I look at a picture of a rockface in Arizona or Utah I think stratigraphy... I know, I'm a nerd. I also have an environmental issues class that I am undecided about right now. It is sometimes interesting and sometimes extremely boring. Dr. Lawrence, who teaches it, is a really good professor and I had him for one of his other environmental geography classes which I really enjoyed. This one is more geared toward the philosophical/ethical side of environmental issues. It's ok, but I'm not a big fan of studying everybody's ethics. I had to teach lab for ROTC on Thursday. It went ok, but I am really not the public speaker type and I did most of the preparation and teaching even though I had someone who was supposed to help out.

Well, on Wednesday we had some pretty bad lake effect snow and driving home from school I ended up sliding into a ditch. Hahah that was fun. Thankfully I was not going fast and the ditch was filled with snow so there was no real impact of any sort. I had to go to a house and ask to see a phone book so I could call a tow truck to get the truck out. The first business I called the guy was all pissed off and told me he couldn't help me and hung up. I was like...wha..? hahah. Apparently he doesn't like business cause he should have been getting some pretty darn good business that day considering the road conditions. So I called someone else and they were really nice and came out right away. Cost a pretty penny but I couldn't very well sit in a ditch for the rest of the day so it had to be done. Next time I will not be nice and get over towards the edge for oncoming cars...pshhhttt. You would think that people living in an area with bad winter conditions would learn how to drive accordingly, but you would be wrong if you thought that cause I swear the people around here are some of the worst drivers I've ever seen. It pisses me off on an all too regular basis.

As if that weren't enough, I also got somewhat bogged down in the driveway the other night because in the process of trying to pack some of the snow down so mom could get her truck in my wheel went over the edge of the driveway. Since my tires suck, a small bump like that was enough to make them spin so I had to dig myself out to get back on track. SIGH. I know you all are thinking what the heck, you drive a Toyota If I had good snow tires it wouldn't have happened there. Bsllllllshdshhh!

Trying to decide what to do with myself this weekend. On that note, I think I will go for now.

P.S. Steelers are going to get crushed tomorrow...CRUSHED!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Well...I was playing around on facebook and I found Beth's blog posted on her account so I went to it and realized it was a blogger blog and I thought to myself: I think I have one of those. So I did a little searching and sure enough, there it was. Created back in 2003 because Sarah got me started on blogging...well sort of. I had just forgotten about it altogether and so it's really been a step back in time looking at the two blogs I wrote when I was in highschool. HAHAH so funny! I can't believe how much has changed since then! So now I am hoping to try and at least write one blog per week because I am realizing that 6 years from now I am going to look back at this again and be like wow...that is so crazy.

So this will be my blog. I guess it's really more for my benefit in the years to come than anything else, but I've also stated that it's for family and friends to keep up to date with my life...not that it is really all that exciting. So, enjoy!